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Renewable energy production beat fossil fuels in Europe

Joe Biden cancels Keystone XL permit

The US will rejoin the Paris climate agreement, but that was the easy part

Joe Biden needs to turn plans into reality

2020 was a preview of hotter years to come

‘We’re not going back to temperatures in the 1980s’

Microplastics from laundry are flooding into the Arctic 

Some monster scraped Trump’s name into this poor manatee’s back

Damages from US weather and climate disasters reached a new record in 2020

Online shopping has shifted recycling responsibilities to consumers

Go read these stories about the use of spy satellite images in environmental studies

The stimulus bill will phase out ‘super’ greenhouse gases

Slavery and overfishing on the high seas can’t hide from these researchers

Nature is not healing

How to slash buildings’ growing greenhouse gas emissions

Sunrise movement staff vote to unionize

Amazon generates millions of pounds of plastic waste

United makes plans to capture its planet-heating pollution 

How governors are fighting for clean energy jobs

Amazon boosts renewable energy purchases

The pandemic turned the volume down on ocean noise pollution

Health care is coming to grips with its pollution problem

Nissan follows GM in ditching Trump’s effort to overturn California’s pollution rules

Climate change is already a disaster to health, doctors say

Rising seas predicted to flood thousands of affordable housing units by 2050

Today is the last day of the record-smashing 2020 Atlantic hurricane season

Satellite images show online shopping’s growing footprint

GM abandons Trump’s war against California’s pollution powers

Newly named panda cub is still online as National Zoo closes doors

NASA to launch satellite to track rising sea levels

US greenhouse gas emissions see historic plummet

Google launches new tool to help cities stay cool

The UK moves up deadline to ban the sale of combustion-engine vehicles

Jeff Bezos announces first beneficiaries of his $10 billion climate fund