BreviculumBreviculum ex artibus Raimundi Lulli electum – St. Peter perg. 92 [26] 11v (see:

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I use this website as my primary hub for online identity and communication and as my online commonplace book.

As a member of the IndieWeb movement/community, I follow many of their principles including owning all of my own data by publishing it on my own website. When I participate on most social silos (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), I generally post here first and syndicate/cross-post duplicates out to them (POSSE). In some cases, I may post to social services first and then immediately syndicate copies of that content to my own website (PESOS).

You’re welcome to subscribe to or follow my content in any manner or on any platform you prefer. However, keep in mind that the canonical copies live on this site and are the most complete. You’d have to follow me on a plethora of sites to be able to follow even a small portion of my online content output, and even then you’ll find that this is the only site with complete copies of all of it.

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  • Chris Aldrich