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Serious Fun

Web Tools

All of the freeware on this page is unsupported by SGI.

Development Tools

  • Java™ Development and Runtime Environment
    for IRIX 6.2 and above. Includes a Just In Time compiler for performance and support for n32 and native threads.

  • VRML and Java Utilities from Cosmo
    Includes links to Vorlon VRML 97 Validator, ivToVRML, vrml1Tovrml2 for IRIX 6.2, vrml1Tovrml2 For IRIX 5.3, vrml1to2 for Windows NT/95, vrml2Draft2To3, Deneb To VRML File Translator, vrmllint, QvLib (SGI IRIX Version), Sony's Plugin Chooser, Quake to VRML Converter, and DOOM To VRML2 Converter for SGI.

    Interactive Environments

  • PerlMUD is a MultiUser Dimension (MUD), a text-based environment that allows multiple users to converse, explore, and interact.

    Server Software

  • Apache is a public domain HTTP server for UNIX.

    Web Page Creation Tools


  • WebMagic
  • Cosmo Create & Cosmo Worlds

    File Converters

  • rtf2html--a filter to convert RTF (Rich Text Format) files into HTML format.
  • fm2html--Converts FrameMaker files in FrameMaker document format or FrameMaker Interchange Format (MIF). Book files are also converted.

    HTML Checkers

  • W3C MarkUp Validation Service
  • W3C CSS Validation Service


  • Image Production for the Web--IRIX utilities from Paul Haeberli
  • Mapedit--Imagemap editing software
  • GIMP:GNU Image Manipulation Program
    by Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis
    Tricks and Resources


  • HTML Guidelines

    Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.


    Products Industries Developers Support Serious Fun