Design a Retro Inspired Sci-Fi Film Poster
Oh how I love vintage film posters, especially sci-fi genre. The artwork and the typography are always fun to look at, and often times the posters are better than the actual films. Lets take a look at how we can create our own sci-fi inspired film poster in Photoshop.
Here is a preview of what we'll be creating in this tutorial.
Now apply a radial blur (Filter | Blur | Radial Blur ) and set the layer's opacity to 75%.
Now apply a Gradient Map adjustment layer above all other layers, and set the adjustment layer's blend mode to overlay. Use a gradient of #0e3e63 to #fd7c00 for the gradient map.
To create the star field and nebula effect, I grabbed an awesome image from deviantArt user ineedfire.
Copy and paste the image onto your canvas in a layer below the gradient map. Set the nebula layer's blend mode to screen, and the opacity to 75%.
That looks great, but I want to enhance the stars a bit by adding a few more. To do this create a new layer, this time above the gradient map. Fill it with solid black. Then click (Filter | Noise | Add Noise) and use a setting around 20 for the amount, and the distribution should be set to Gaussian.
Now choose (Image | Adjust | Levels) and move the outer arrows in a bit to remove some of the white dots.
Now set the layer's blend mode to screen.
That does it for our poster background!
To enhance the border a bit further... On a new layer, I added one more selection, and applied a 1px stroke (Edit | Stroke) to that selection, using the same color.
Next, I wanted to add just a bit of a worn look to the poster. To do this I added a noise effect texture, from this set, to the topmost layer and set it's blend mode to screen. If you're not a WeGraphics member, adding this effect is completely optional.
I want to add the top view of the ship to my poster, but I don't need to extract it from the background, since we'll be doing some blending with colors around the ship. So we can use the Rectangular Marque Tool (M), to select the top ship and copy and paste it to our poster. Place it on a layer above the gradient map. I've turned off the gradient map layer in the images below, so you can clearly see what edits I'm making to the ship layer.
Set the ship layer's blend mode to multiply to remove the white background.
Apply a (Filter | Sharpen | Sharpen ) to bring out some of the detail. Now using a light gray you can paint a little bit of color to a layer underneath the ship to hide any stars or nebula that might be showing through the ship.
I also used a soft white brush on a layer above the ship to enhance the lights a bit. Set the light layer's blend mode to overlay.
That does it for our ship. Now you can group all of the layers together in a layer group and duplicate the group as many times as you want and resize and reposition each copy until it looks like an entire fleet of flying saucers is approaching.... Beware Earth People!
The gradient used is #373636 to #e3e2e2.
Now rasterize the type layer by Ctrl+Clicking the layer and selecting "Rasterize Type". Now use the warp tool (Edit | Transform | Warp) to shape the text similar to the way I have below.
On a layer above the type, I used a soft black brush set to around 30% opacity to paint some shadows over the type so that it looks like the ship is flying over it.
Lets apply some film credits below the main title. I don't want to take the time to type out all of the credits, so I'm just going to copy and paste some existing credits from and old poster that I found here.
Once copied I convert the credits to black and white, and bump up the black with a levels adjustment.
Then I copy and paste the credits to a layer below the gradient map. I set this layers blend mode to screen.
For the type treatment at the top of the poster, I used League Gothic again, with the same layer styles applied.
Here is a preview of what we'll be creating in this tutorial.