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Website Quality AlertContradictory content language specificationsProblem: The text-processing language defined in the lang or xml:lang attribute of the html tag must be within the list of languages specified in the HTML meta tag specification or the HTTP header content language specification. That means <html lang="en">
is incorrect. Impact: According to the W3C Internationalization Best Practices, language information is useful for things such as authoring tools, translation tools, accessibility, font selection, page rendering, search, and scripting. In practice, we see that localized search engines (such as google.it) make use of language information, so that incorrect information may have a negative impact of search engine ranking. It is also likely to affect site visitors who use screen readers or spell checkers, in case an input from the user is expected. Recommendation: Always specify the text-processing language in the html attribute, and only if necessary and helpful specify additional languages in the HTML meta tag specification or in the HTTP header content language specification, and make sure the text-processing language is included there. |