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Dodge Logo Vector - (.Ai .PNG .SVG .EPS Free Download) Dodge Logo Vector | VectorSeek
Dodge Logo Vector
Dodge Logo Vector

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About Dodge

Dodge is a brand of automobiles. It is an American-based company. It was founded in 1900 by John Francis Dodge and Horace Elgin Dodge. Its headquarters in is Michigan, United States. Its current President and CEO is Timothy Kuniskis. It was acquired by Chrysler Corporation in 1928. It was first known as Dodge Brothers Company. Before the company manufactured and designed cars, it supplied assemblies and spare parts to different automobile companies like Ford and others. The Dodge brothers made their first automobile in 1914.

Meaning and History of Dodge Logo

The factory of Dodge was opened in 1910 and was closed in 1980. John and Horace died in 1920 due to the Spanish Flu and the Dodge family sold the company to Dillon, Read & Co. in 1925. Dodge was the manufacturer of large passenger vehicles and trucks till 1970s and built compact cars in 1976. Dodge’s logo was changed 9 times in the following years.
  • 1910
  • 1914
  • 1928
  • 1955
  • 1962
  • 1964
  • 1980
  • 1994
  • 2010

Evolution of Dodge Logo

Dodge made some very popular mid-sized cars like Dart, Coronet and Charger in 1978. The company made a lot of business in the 1990s. Dodge also made two sub-brands; Dodge RAM and Dodge Viper. Dodge changed its logo in the following ways.


            This year, the logo is a two-layered circle. The first layer of the circle has 6 circles with equal distances. The second layer of the circle has DB written in it. D is overlapping the B. The outline of the circles are dull golden in color and is filled with light brown color. [caption id="attachment_72936" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dodge Logo Vector 1910 Dodge Logo Vector 1910[/caption]


            This year, is a multi-nested circle. The first layer of circle is black followed by a white circle and followed by a wider circle in black with text in it. DODGE BROTHERS is written on top part of the circle and MOTOR VEHICLES is written on the bottom part of the circle. This circle is followed by two white and one black circle. The last layer of the circle has a map background and a nested star and DB is written in the center of the nested star. [caption id="attachment_72937" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dodge Logo Vector 1914 Dodge Logo Vector 1914[/caption]


            In this year, the logo was simplified. Dodge is written in black color and the letters are capitalized. [caption id="attachment_72938" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Dodge Logo Vector 1928 Dodge Logo Vector 1928[/caption]


In this year, the logo modified completely. There are two greater than symbol. There is a shaper greater than symbol in black color overlapped by soft curved greater than symbol in red color. [caption id="attachment_72939" align="aligncenter" width="300"]1955 Logo 1955 Logo[/caption]


            In this year, the logo totally changed. The logo has three angles of triangles and have small spaces between them. These angles of triangles are black in color. [caption id="attachment_72931" align="aligncenter" width="300"]1962 Logo 1962 Logo[/caption]


            In this year, the logo is back with its name. Dodge is written in red color. The letter D is capitalized and the rest of the words are in small case. [caption id="attachment_72932" align="aligncenter" width="300"]1964 Logo 1964 Logo[/caption]


            In this year, there is a red rectangle with a white and red star in the center. Outside below the rectangle, Dodge is written in red and below it, there is another red rectangle. [caption id="attachment_72933" align="aligncenter" width="300"]1980 Logo 1980 Logo[/caption]


            In this year, there is a red shield with white filling and there is a head of a goat that has curved horns and is red in color. [caption id="attachment_72934" align="aligncenter" width="300"]1994 Logo 1994 Logo[/caption]


            In this year, the logo has a metallic look. Dodge is written in capitalized letters and it is in silver metallic color. There are two red lines leaned to the right after the letter E. The letter E is slightly overlapping the red line. [caption id="attachment_72935" align="aligncenter" width="300"]2010 Logo 2010 Logo[/caption]

Building of Dodge Logo

The Dodge brothers used to supply spare parts to Olds Motor Vehicle Company as well. They were famous for their work and Henry Ford selected them for supplying the complete chassis of their Model A car. The Dodge logo is made up of the following two things.


            In the first year, there is no text. Second and third year, the text was written in customized Rugsnatcher font. In the fourth and fifth year, there is no text. Then in the sixth and seventh year, the text was written in Hemi Head Extra Bold Italic font. In the eighth year, the text was written in Hemi Head Bold Capital font. In the last year, the font was written in customized Calibri Body font.


            First year, the logo was in dull golden and light brown color. In the second and fifth year, the logo was in black and white color and in the third year, the logo was in only black color. In the fourth year, the logo was in red and black color. Then in the sixth year, the logo was red in color. In the seventh and eighth year, the logo was in red and white color. In the last year, the logo was in silver metallic and red color.

Provided Services

VectorSeek furnishes their visitors with different editable formats of Dodge logo without regardless of any legal and copyright issues. Visitors can download Dodge logo formats for free. We have the following formats for Dodge logo:
  • Dodge logo PNG
  • Dodge logo SVG
  • Dodge logo AI
  • Dodge logo Vector
You can also download the zip file of Dodge logo.

Variants of Dodge Logo

VectorSeek provides the service of download different variants of Dodge logo for free and, in HD quality. Click on desired variant and see it in download within seconds. No need to worry about login or sign-up. We have the following variants of Dodge logo:
  • Dodge old logo
  • Dodge original logo
  • Dodge logo in blue
  • Dodge logo in yellow
  • Dodge logo in green
  • Dodge logo in pink
  • Dodge logo black and white
  • Dodge logo transparent


The first logo looks like a cylinder of an old pistol. The second is still rumored to have an illuminati star. We still don’t understand why the logo was changed into a greater than symbol and angles of triangles. We liked the last two logos of Dodge as they look brawny and represent toughness.