Idris Elba (via his 22Summers production company) and Chiwetel Ejiofor have signed on as executive producers for "The Brown Dog," a short animated film commissioned by WeTransfer. The film stars the late Michael K. Williams ("The Wire," "Boardwalk Empire") in his last featured performance. Williams, who memorably portrayed Omar Little in “The Wire” and Chalky White in “Boardwalk Empire,” died in 2021. He was 54. In honor of Williams’ birthday (the actor would have turned 58 on Nov. 22), "The...
Green Door Pictures
From singing as a feline in “Cats” to wowing as the broody detective in the BBC’s “Luther” to schooling it as a Cockney sea lion in “Finding Dory,” Elba clearly never wants to be defined. His accomplishments outside of acting also fit no mold: He’s a working DJ, founded Green Door Pictures and even turned director in 2018 with gangland thriller “Yardie.” Through Green Door, he’s released the doc “Mandela, My Dad and Me” and series including the Sky comedy “In the Long Run.” Even in a pandemic, Elba keeps busy. After premiering “Concrete Cowboy” at Toronto, he’s got Netflix western “The Harder They Fall,” DC Entertainment’s “The Suicide Squad,” Universal’s survival thriller “Beast” and a film spinoff of his acclaimed “Luther” series.