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View all- Soni AMishra R(2024)Fair-select: a federated learning approach to ensure fairness in selection of participantsMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-024-20476-5Online publication date: 29-Nov-2024
With the increasing tension between conflicting requirements of the availability of large amounts of data for effective machine learning-based analysis, and for ensuring their privacy, the paradigm of federated learning has emerged, a distributed machine ...
Recent advancements in federated learning have shown promising results in resource-constrained edge environments. However, with mobile devices becoming more capable of collecting data, individual client models are unable to utilize the available data due ...
Federated learning (FL) has become a prevalent distributed machine learning paradigm with improved privacy. After learning, the resulting federated model should be further personalized to each different client. While several methods have been proposed ...
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