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MGX: near-zero overhead memory protection for data-intensive accelerators

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


This paper introduces MGX, a near-zero overhead memory protection scheme for hardware accelerators. MGX minimizes the performance overhead of off-chip memory encryption and integrity verification by exploiting the application-specific properties of the accelerator execution. In particular, accelerators tend to explicitly manage data movement between on-chip and off-chip memories. Therefore, the general memory access pattern of an accelerator can largely be determined for a given application. Exploiting these characteristics, MGX generates version numbers used in memory encryption and integrity verification using on-chip accelerator state rather than storing them in the off-chip memory; it also customizes the granularity of the memory protection to match the granularity used by the accelerator. To demonstrate the efficacy of MGX, we present an in-depth study of MGX for DNN and graph algorithms. Experimental results show that on average, MGX lowers the performance overhead of memory protection from 28% and 33% to 4% and 5% for DNN and graph processing accelerators in a wide range of benchmarks, respectively.


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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      ISCA '22: Proceedings of the 49th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
      June 2022
      1097 pages
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      • IEEE CS TCAA: IEEE CS technical committee on architectural acoustics


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 11 June 2022


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      Author Tags

      1. graph algorithms
      2. neural networks
      3. off-chip memory protection
      4. secure accelerators
      5. version number generation


      • Research-article

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      ISCA '22

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      ISCA '22 Paper Acceptance Rate 67 of 400 submissions, 17%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 543 of 3,203 submissions, 17%

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