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Finding shortest contractible and shortest separating cycles in embedded graphs

Published: 06 April 2010 Publication History


We give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a shortest contractible cycle (i.e., a closed walk without repeated vertices) in a graph embedded in a surface. This answers a question posed by Hutchinson. In contrast, we show that finding a shortest contractible cycle through a given vertex is NP-hard. We also show that finding a shortest separating cycle in an embedded graph is NP-hard. This answers a question posed by Mohar and Thomassen.


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  1. Finding shortest contractible and shortest separating cycles in embedded graphs



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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Algorithms
      ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 6, Issue 2
      March 2010
      373 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 06 April 2010
      Accepted: 01 March 2009
      Revised: 01 March 2009
      Received: 01 November 2008
      Published in TALG Volume 6, Issue 2


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      Author Tags

      1. 3-path condition
      2. forbidden pairs
      3. graphs on surfaces
      4. topological graph theory


      • Research-article
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      • Refereed


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      Cited By

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      • (2023)Minimum Cuts in Surface GraphsSIAM Journal on Computing10.1137/19M129182052:1(156-195)Online publication date: 14-Feb-2023
      • (2020)Topologically Trivial Closed Walks in Directed Surface GraphsDiscrete & Computational Geometry10.1007/s00454-020-00255-3Online publication date: 30-Nov-2020
      • (2017)Minimum Cuts and Shortest Cycles in Directed Planar Graphs via Noncrossing Shortest PathsSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics10.1137/16M105715231:1(454-476)Online publication date: Jan-2017
      • (2016)Global Minimum Cuts in Surface-Embedded GraphsEncyclopedia of Algorithms10.1007/978-1-4939-2864-4_683(852-856)Online publication date: 22-Apr-2016
      • (2015)The cycle’s structure of embedded graphs in surfacesActa Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series10.1007/s10255-015-0530-031:4(1073-1082)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2015
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      • (2014)Global Minimum Cuts in Surface-Embedded GraphsEncyclopedia of Algorithms10.1007/978-3-642-27848-8_683-1(1-5)Online publication date: 4-Oct-2014
      • (2013)Shortest non-trivial cycles in directed and undirected surface graphsProceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms10.5555/2627817.2627843(352-364)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2013
      • (2012)Global minimum cuts in surface embedded graphsProceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms10.5555/2095116.2095219(1309-1318)Online publication date: 17-Jan-2012
      • (2011)Shortest non-trivial cycles in directed surface graphsProceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry10.1145/1998196.1998231(236-243)Online publication date: 13-Jun-2011

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