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Service Interaction Flow Analysis Technique for Service Personalization

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Nordic Contributions in IS Research (SCIS 2017)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing ((LNBIP,volume 294))

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  • 676 Accesses


Service interaction flows are difficult to capture, analyze, outline, and represent for research and design purposes. We examine how variation of personalized service flows in technology-mediated service interaction can be modeled and analyzed to provide information on how service personalization could support interaction. We have analyzed service interaction cases in a context of technology-mediated car rental service. With the analysis technique we propose, inspired by Interaction Analysis method, we were able to capture and model the situational service interaction. Our contribution regarding technology-mediated service interaction design is twofold: First, with the increased understanding on the role of personalization in managing variation in technology-mediated service interaction, our study contributes to designing service management information systems and human-computer interfaces that support personalized service interaction flows. Second, we provide a new analysis technique for situated interaction analysis, particularly when the aim is to understand personalization in service interaction flows.

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Korhonen, O., Syrjänen, AL., Kinnula, M., Isomursu, M., Kuutti, K. (2017). Service Interaction Flow Analysis Technique for Service Personalization. In: Stigberg, S., Karlsen, J., Holone, H., Linnes, C. (eds) Nordic Contributions in IS Research. SCIS 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 294. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-64694-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-64695-4

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