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IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
Consolidation-Based Speech Translation and Evaluation Approach
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2009 Volume E92.D Issue 3 Pages 477-488

The performance of speech translation systems combining automatic speech recognition (ASR) and machine translation (MT) systems is degraded by redundant and irrelevant information caused by speaker disfluency and recognition errors. This paper proposes a new approach to translating speech recognition results through speech consolidation, which removes ASR errors and disfluencies and extracts meaningful phrases. A consolidation approach is spun off from speech summarization by word extraction from ASR 1-best. We extended the consolidation approach for confusion network (CN) and tested the performance using TED speech and confirmed the consolidation results preserved more meaningful phrases in comparison with the original ASR results. We applied the consolidation technique to speech translation. To test the performance of consolidation-based speech translation, Chinese broadcast news (BN) speech in RT04 were recognized, consolidated and then translated. The speech translation results via consolidation cannot be directly compared with gold standards in which all words in speech are translated because consolidation-based translations are partial translations. We would like to propose a new evaluation framework for partial translation by comparing them with the most similar set of words extracted from a word network created by merging gradual summarizations of the gold standard translation. The performance of consolidation-based MT results was evaluated using BLEU. We also propose Information Preservation Accuracy (IPAccy) and Meaning Preservation Accuracy (MPAccy) to evaluate consolidation and consolidation-based MT. We confirmed that consolidation contributed to the performance of speech translation.
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© 2009 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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