Papers by Math J. J. M. Candel

Tobacco Control, 2021
BackgroundStudies demonstrated that adolescent e-cigarette use is associated with subsequent toba... more BackgroundStudies demonstrated that adolescent e-cigarette use is associated with subsequent tobacco smoking, commonly referred to as thegateway effect. However, most studies only investigated gateways from e-cigarettes to tobacco smoking. This study replicates a cornerstone study revealing a positive association between both adolescent e-cigarette use and subsequent tobacco use; and tobacco and subsequent e-cigarette use in the Netherlands and Flanders.DesignThe longitudinal design included baseline (n=2839) and 6-month (n=1276) and 12-month (n=1025) follow-up surveys among a school-based cohort (mean age: 13.62). Ten high schools were recruited as a convenience sample. The analyses involved (1) associations of baseline e-cigarette use and subsequent tobacco smoking among never smokers; (2) associations of e-cigarette use frequency at baseline and tobacco smoking frequency at follow-up; and (3) the association of baseline tobacco smoking and subsequent e-cigarette use among non-use...
Additional file 5. Response-percentages additional questions. Response-percentages of each profes... more Additional file 5. Response-percentages additional questions. Response-percentages of each professional group per additional question.
Additional file 6. Lowest ranking ethical climate items. Overview of the lowest ranking ethical c... more Additional file 6. Lowest ranking ethical climate items. Overview of the lowest ranking ethical climate items in the extended EDMCQ per profession.

Biometrical Journal, 2021
Cluster randomized trials evaluate the effect of a treatment on persons nested within clusters, w... more Cluster randomized trials evaluate the effect of a treatment on persons nested within clusters, with clusters being randomly assigned to treatment. The optimal sample size at the cluster and person level depends on the study cost per cluster and per person, and the outcome variance at the cluster and the person level. The variances are unknown in the design stage and can differ between treatment arms. As a solution, this paper presents a Maximin design that maximizes the minimum relative efficiency (relative to the optimal design) over the variance parameter space, for trials with two treatment arms and a quantitative outcome. This maximin relative efficiency design (MMRED) is compared with a published Maximin design which maximizes the minimum efficiency (MMED). Both designs are also compared with the optimal designs for homogeneous costs and variances (balanced design) and heterogeneous costs and homogeneous variances (cost‐conscious design), for a range of variances based upon three published trials. Whereas the MMED is balanced under high uncertainty about the treatment‐to‐control variance ratio, the MMRED then tends towards a balanced budget allocation between arms, leading to an unbalanced sample size allocation if costs are heterogeneous, similar to the cost‐conscious design. Further, the MMRED corresponds to an optimal design for an intraclass correlation (ICC) in the lower half of the assumed ICC range (optimistic), whereas the MMED is the optimal design for the maximum ICC within the ICC range (pessimistic). Attention is given to the effect of the Welch–Satterthwaite degrees of freedom for treatment effect testing on the design efficiencies.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019
In 2016, the Netherlands was required to introduce new European Union (EU)’s (pictorial) tobacco ... more In 2016, the Netherlands was required to introduce new European Union (EU)’s (pictorial) tobacco health warnings. Our objective was to describe the pathways through which the new EU tobacco health warnings may influence quit attempts and smoking cessation among Dutch smokers. Longitudinal data from 2016 and 2017 from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey were used. Smokers who participated in both surveys were included (N = 1017). Structural equation modeling was applied to examine the hypothesized pathways. Health warning salience was positively associated with more health worries (β = 0.301, p < 0.001) and a more positive attitude towards quitting (β = 0.180, p < 0.001), which, in turn, were associated with a stronger quit intention (health worries: β = 0.304, p < 0.001; attitude: β = 0.340, p < 0.001). Quit intention was a strong predictor of quit attempts (β = 0.336, p = 0.001). Health warning salience was also associated with stronger perceived ...

Statistics in Medicine, 2018
In multilevel populations, there are two types of population means of an outcome variable ie, the... more In multilevel populations, there are two types of population means of an outcome variable ie, the average of all individual outcomes ignoring cluster membership and the average of cluster-specific means. To estimate the first mean, individuals can be sampled directly with simple random sampling or with two-stage sampling (TSS), that is, sampling clusters first, and then individuals within the sampled clusters. When cluster size varies in the population, three TSS schemes can be considered, ie, sampling clusters with probability proportional to cluster size and then sampling the same number of individuals per cluster; sampling clusters with equal probability and then sampling the same percentage of individuals per cluster; and sampling clusters with equal probability and then sampling the same number of individuals per cluster. Unbiased estimation of the average of all individual outcomes is discussed under each sampling scheme assuming cluster size to be informative. Furthermore, the three TSS schemes are compared in terms of efficiency with each other and with simple random sampling under the constraint of a fixed total sample size. The relative efficiency of the sampling schemes is shown to vary across different cluster size distributions. However, sampling clusters with probability proportional to size is the most efficient TSS scheme for many cluster size distributions. Model-based and design-based inference are compared and are shown to give similar results. The results are applied to the distribution of high school size in Italy and the distribution of patient list size for general practices in England. KEYWORDS design-based inference, hierarchical population, informative cluster size, model-based inference, two-stage sampling 1 INTRODUCTION Hierarchical or multilevel populations arise when individuals or micro-units are nested within clusters or macro-units. 1,2 Considering, for the sake of simplicity, only populations with two levels of nesting, examples include patients clustered in general practices, elderly people nested in nursing homes, and students grouped in schools. In these populations, the
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018

Computational Statistics, 2018
The cost-effectiveness of interventions (e.g. new medical therapies or health care technologies) ... more The cost-effectiveness of interventions (e.g. new medical therapies or health care technologies) is often evaluated in randomized clinical trials, where individuals are nested within clusters, for instance patients within general practices. In such two-level costeffectiveness trials, one can randomly assign treatments to individuals within clusters (multicentre trial) or to entire clusters (cluster randomized trial). Such trials need careful planning to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions within the available research resources. The optimal number of clusters and the optimal number of subjects per cluster for both types of cost-effectiveness trials can be determined by using optimal design theory. However, the construction of the optimal design requires information on model parameters, which may be unknown at the planning stage of a trial. To overcome this problem, a maximin strategy is employed. We have developed a computer program SamP2CeT in R to perform these sample size calculations. SamP2CeT provides a graphical user interface which enables the researchers to optimize the numbers of clusters and subjects per cluster in their cost-effectiveness trial as a function of study costs and outcome variances. In case of insufficient knowledge on model parameters, SamP2CeT also provides safe numbers of clusters and subjects per cluster, based on a maximin strategy. SamP2CeT can be used to calculate the smallest budget needed for a user-specified power level, the largest power attainable with a userspecified budget, and also has the facility to calculate the power for a user-specified design. Recent methodological developments on sample size and power calculation for two-level cost-effectiveness trials have been implemented in SamP2CeT. This program is user-friendly, as illustrated for two published cost-effectiveness trials.

Statistics in Medicine, 2007
People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the ... more People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement:

Statistics in Medicine, 2018
Cluster randomized trials evaluate the effect of a treatment on persons nested within clusters, w... more Cluster randomized trials evaluate the effect of a treatment on persons nested within clusters, where treatment is randomly assigned to clusters. Current equations for the optimal sample size at the cluster and person level assume that the outcome variances and/or the study costs are known and homogeneous between treatment arms. This paper presents efficient yet robust designs for cluster randomized trials with treatment-dependent costs and treatment-dependent unknown variances, and compares these with 2 practical designs. First, the maximin design (MMD) is derived, which maximizes the minimum efficiency (minimizes the maximum sampling variance) of the treatment effect estimator over a range of treatment-to-control variance ratios. The MMD is then compared with the optimal design for homogeneous variances and costs (balanced design), and with that for homogeneous variances and treatment-dependent costs (costconsidered design). The results show that the balanced design is the MMD if the treatment-to control cost ratio is the same at both design levels (cluster, person) and within the range for the treatment-to-control variance ratio. It still is highly efficient and better than the cost-considered design if the cost ratio is within the range for the squared variance ratio. Outside that range, the cost-considered design is better and highly efficient, but it is not the MMD. An example shows sample size calculation for the MMD, and the computer code (SPSS and R) is provided as supplementary material. The MMD is recommended for trial planning if the study costs are treatment-dependent and homogeneity of variances cannot be assumed.

Psychological methods, 2021
To prevent mistakes in psychological assessment, the precision of test norms is important. This c... more To prevent mistakes in psychological assessment, the precision of test norms is important. This can be achieved by drawing a large normative sample and using regression-based norming. Based on that norming method, a procedure for sample size planning to make inference on Z-scores and percentile rank scores is proposed. Sampling variance formulas for these norm statistics are derived and used to obtain the optimal design, that is, the optimal predictor distribution, for the normative sample, thereby maximizing precision of estimation. This is done under five regression models with a quantitative and a categorical predictor, differing in whether they allow for interaction and nonlinearity. Efficient robust designs are given in case of uncertainty about the regression model. Furthermore, formulas are provided to compute the normative sample size such that individuals' positions relative to the derived norms can be assessed with prespecified power and precision. (PsycInfo Database R...
In the marketing literature, the influence of a place-of-origin indication on the evaluation of p... more In the marketing literature, the influence of a place-of-origin indication on the evaluation of products has been studied with little consideration for the image of the place of origin as a separate construct. Although effects of a place-of-origin indication have been found, it is still unclear what components make up the image of a place of origin, and how they determine consumers' evaluations of products originating from that place. In this paper, we propose and empirically test a conceptual framework that addresses these issues. More specifically, we examine how the image of a region influences the perceptions of and preferences for products.
Resultaten van consumentenonderzoek betreffende de keuze van vleesprodukten uit overwegingen van ... more Resultaten van consumentenonderzoek betreffende de keuze van vleesprodukten uit overwegingen van kwaliteit, imago, gebruiksgemak en de wijze, waarop het geproduceerd is (hormoongebruik, dier- en milieuvriendelijk)

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
If there are no carryover effects, AB/BA crossover designs are more efficient than parallel (A/B)... more If there are no carryover effects, AB/BA crossover designs are more efficient than parallel (A/B) and extended parallel (AA/BB) group designs. This study extends these results in that (a) optimal instead of equal treatment allocation is examined, (b) allowance for treatment-dependent outcome variances is made, and (c) next to treatment effects, also treatment by period interaction effects are examined. Starting from a linear mixed model analysis, the optimal allocation requires knowledge on intraclass correlations in A and B, which typically is rather vague. To solve this, maximin versions of the designs are derived, which guarantee a power level across plausible ranges of the intraclass correlations at the lowest research costs. For the treatment effect, an extensive numerical evaluation shows that if the treatment costs of A and B are equal, or if the sum of the costs of one treatment and measurement per person is less than the remaining subject-specific costs (e.g., recruitment c...

BMC Public Health
Background: Displaying tobacco products at point-of-sale (PoS) has become an important marketing ... more Background: Displaying tobacco products at point-of-sale (PoS) has become an important marketing strategy for the tobacco industry. This study was designed to (1) examine how support for a PoS cigarette display ban changed among Dutch smokers between 2010 and 2015 and (2) identify the variables that predict support among smokers for a PoS cigarette display ban. Methods: Longitudinal data from six annual survey waves (2010-2015) from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey were analyzed. The sample consisted of between 1279 and 1800 smokers per year. Smokers were asked whether they supported a complete ban on displays of cigarettes inside shops and stores. Results: Support for a PoS cigarette display ban increased from 28.9% in 2010 to 42.5% in 2015 (OR = 1.40, p < 0.001). A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that support for a PoS display ban of cigarettes was more likely among smokers who had more knowledge about the health risks of smoking (OR = 3.97, p < 0.001), believed smoking-related health risks to be severe (OR = 1.39, p < 0.001), had a more positive attitude towards quitting smoking (OR = 1.44, p = 0. 006), reported stronger social norms to quit smoking (OR = 1.29, p = 0.035), had a higher self-efficacy for quitting smoking (OR = 1.31, p = 0.001), and had stronger intentions to quit smoking (OR = 1.23, p = 0.006). Conclusions: This paper showed that support for a PoS display ban of cigarettes increased among smokers in the Netherlands over the years. To further increase support, educational campaigns about the dangers of smoking, and campaigns that encourage quitting may be needed.

Nicotine & Tobacco Research
Introduction Financial incentives effectively increase smoking cessation rates, but it is unclear... more Introduction Financial incentives effectively increase smoking cessation rates, but it is unclear via which psychological mechanisms incentives influence quit behavior. The current study examines how receiving financial incentives for smoking cessation leads to quitting smoking and investigates several mediators and moderators of that relationship. Aims and Methods The study sample consisted of 604 tobacco-smoking employees from 61 companies in the Netherlands who completed a baseline and follow-up questionnaire. The current study is a secondary analysis from a cluster randomized trial where employees received smoking cessation group counseling at the workplace. Participants in the intervention group additionally received financial incentives of €350 in total for 12-month continuous smoking abstinence. We used a two-level path analysis to test a model that assesses the effects of financial incentives through smoking cessation program evaluation, medication use, nicotine replacement ...

Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Background: Despite nutritional benefits, a high consumption of red meat is not without risks as ... more Background: Despite nutritional benefits, a high consumption of red meat is not without risks as it is linked to the development of certain types of cancer as well as to other non-communicable diseases, such as type II diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the production of meat has negative effects on the environment. Therefore, a transition to a less meat-based diet could be beneficial. It is unclear how explicit cognitions towards red meat consumption and implicit attitudes jointly influence intention and consumption. We tested the additive pattern (both types of cognitions explain unique variance) and interactive pattern (both types interact in the prediction). Method: At baseline (T0; N = 1790) and one (T1; n = 980) and three months thereafter (T2; n = 556), explicit cognitions, red meat consumption, and implicit attitudes were assessed among a Dutch sample. Results: Only explicit cognitions were associated with red meat consumption. Implicit attitudes moderated the effect of selfefficacy on T0-RMC; negative implicit attitudes strengthened this effect. T0-intention was associated with explicit cognitions and implicit attitudes. Additionally, negative implicit attitudes strengthened the effect of social norms on T0 and T2-intention. Regarding red meat consumption, support for the interactive pattern was found. For intention there was support for the interactive and additive pattern. Conclusion: Interventions aiming to reduce red meat consumption in the general public might profit from changing implicit attitudes in addition to explicit cognitions.

Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Jan 3, 2017
The aim of the study was to compare the construct validity and the predictive validity of three i... more The aim of the study was to compare the construct validity and the predictive validity of three instruments to measure intention to quit smoking: a Stages of Change measure, the Motivation To Stop Scale (MTSS) and a Likert scale. We used the Theory of Planned Behaviour as theoretical framework. We used data from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey. We included smokers who participated in three consecutive survey waves (n=980). We measured attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control in 2012, intention to quit with three instruments in 2013, and having made a quit attempt in the last year in 2014. We conducted Structural Equation Modelling with three models for the instruments of intention separately, and with one model that included the three instruments simultaneously. All three instruments of intention were significantly and positively related to attitude and perceived behavioural control but none was related to subjective norm. All three ins...

American journal of medical genetics. Part A, Sep 1, 2016
Many studies have attempted to establish the genotype-phenotype correlation in Rett syndrome (RTT... more Many studies have attempted to establish the genotype-phenotype correlation in Rett syndrome (RTT). Cardiorespiratory measurements provide robust objective data, to correlate with each of the different clinical phenotypes. It has important implications for the management and treatment of this syndrome. The aim of this study was to correlate the genotype with the quantitative cardiorespiratory data obtained by neurophysiological measurement combined with a clinical severity score. This international multicenter study was conducted in four European countries from 1999 to 2012. The study cohort consisted of a group of 132 well-defined RTT females aged between 2 and 43 years with extended clinical, molecular, and neurophysiological assessments. Diagnosis of RTT was based on the consensus criteria for RTT and molecular confirmation. Genotype-phenotype analyses of clinical features and cardiorespiratory data were performed after grouping mutations by the same type and localization or havi...

Health Education, 2015
Purpose – Intersectoral collaboration is often a prerequisite for effective interventions in publ... more Purpose – Intersectoral collaboration is often a prerequisite for effective interventions in public health. The purpose of this paper is to assess the facilitating and hindering conditions regarding intersectoral collaboration between health authorities, public health services (PHSs), public services stakeholders (PPSs) and the education sector in comprehensive school health promotion (CSHP) in the Netherlands. Design/methodology/approach – CSHP collaborations in five Dutch regions were studied using a questionnaire based on the DIagnosis of Sustainable Collaboration (DISC) model, focusing on: change management; perceptions, intentions and actions of collaborating parties; project organization; and factors in the wider context. Univariate and multivariate analyses with bootstrapping were applied to 106 respondents (62 percent response). Findings – A similar pattern of facilitating and hindering conditions emerged for the five regions, showing positive perceptions, but fewer positive...
Papers by Math J. J. M. Candel