%0 Journal Article %T Concepts of Neighbors and their Application to Instance-based Learning on Relational Data %+ Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining (LACODAM) %+ Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - Rennes (INSA Rennes) %A Ayats, H. Ambre %A Cellier, Peggy %A Ferré, Sébastien %< avec comité de lecture %@ 0888-613X %J International Journal of Approximate Reasoning %I Elsevier %V 164 %P 1-49 %8 2023-10 %D 2023 %R 10.1016/j.ijar.2023.109059 %K Relational Data %K Knowledge Graph %K Instance-Based Learning %K Formal Concept Analysis %K Graph-FCA %K Concepts of Neighbors %Z Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]Journal articles %X Knowledge graphs and other forms of relational data have become awidespread kind of data, and powerful methods to analyze and learn fromthem are needed. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematical frameworkfor the analysis of symbolic datasets, which has been extended to graphsand relational data, like Graph-FCA. It encompasses various tasks such aspattern mining or machine learning, but its application generally relies onthe computation of a concept lattice whose size can be exponential withthe number of instances. We propose to follow an instance-based approachwhere the learning effort is delayed until a new instance comes in, and aninference task is set. This is the approach adopted in k-Nearest Neighbors,and this relies on a distance between instances. We define a conceptualdistance based on FCA concepts, and from there the notion of concepts ofneighbors, which can be used as a basis for instance-based reasoning. Thosedefinitions are given for both classical FCA and Graph-FCA. We provide efficient algorithms for computing concepts of neighbors, and we demonstrate their inference capabilities by presenting three different applications: query relaxation, knowledge graph completion, and relation extraction. %G English %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-04246864v1/document %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-04246864v1/file/IJAR___Concepts_of_Neighbors-1.pdf %L hal-04246864 %U https://inria.hal.science/hal-04246864 %~ UNIV-RENNES1 %~ CNRS %~ INRIA %~ UNIV-UBS %~ INSA-RENNES %~ INRIA-RENNES %~ IRISA %~ IRISA_SET %~ INRIA_TEST %~ TESTALAIN1 %~ IRISA-INSA-R %~ CENTRALESUPELEC %~ INRIA2 %~ UR1-HAL %~ UR1-MATH-STIC %~ UR1-UFR-ISTIC %~ TEST-UR-CSS %~ UNIV-RENNES %~ INRIA-RENGRE %~ INSA-GROUPE %~ ANR %~ UR1-MATH-NUM