Fun Activities to Learn About Ancestors
Here are 6 fun ancestor activities to introduce your kids and grandkids to people from long ago. Interesting activities that will make your ancestors come to life in amazing ways! #ancestors #genealogy #genealogyfamily #familyhistory #family #familytree #posterity #generations #heirlooms #discoverancestors
Take 5 Treat Tags & Task Cards
Get your young women, youth, ward, or family into a habit of family history! You only need 5 minutes to make a progress in family history & you can do it on your phone! The treat tags motivate & the task cards/textables remind. Send them daily or weekly. keep participants accountable! Consider doing a groupchat to share progress & doing it yourself--so they know others are in the trenches with them, with the challenges and rewards of trying to start a new habit that will help them #HearHim #lds