
866 Pins
This may contain: a person is pointing at a quilt on the wall
What I Made From Waste Pieces of Fabrics
Credit @amikacrafts #sewing #sewingtipsandtricks #tipsandtricks #sweingtips #sewingtricks #projecttotry #sewingforbeginners #sewingtutorials #sewingtutorialforbeginners #sewingprojectforbeginners #amazingtips #easysewingtricks #costura #trucodecostura #costuracreativa #coser #coserfacil #costurafácil
This may contain: someone is cutting up fabric on a piece of paper with scissors and sewing needles in front of them
String Quilt by Emily Dennis of Quilty Love
Emily Dennis from Quiltylove.com is making this gorgeous string quilt using her fabric scraps. Check out her Instagram page for even more pictures of the quilt as it comes together!
Фото 981298190263 из альбома ИДЕИ И ВДОХНОВЛЯЛКИ ИЗ ИНТЕРНЕТА........ Разместила Людмила Виноградова(Максимова) в ОК
(1) Одноклассники
A Dozen Fat Quarters Quilt Pattern
Take 12 Beautiful Fat Quarters and a little border fabric and make a beautiful quilt. This is a great pattern when you are gifting a quilt. Author: Kathy Skomp Publish Date: September 2021 Softcover