Pompeii August 24th 79 A.D.

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a painting on the side of a building in front of an open door with a vase
House of the Venus Marina, Pompeii
an old, run down building with a sink in the middle
Frigidarium of the Forum Baths: Pompeii
The Forum Baths of Pompeii, Italy was a bathing complex built around 80 BC (Pompeii itself was much older). This complex included separate sections for men and women; the calidarium for steam baths using a complex system of double walls to convey steam from a furnace; hot, warm and cold baths; toilet facilities and an exercise yard (for men). This impressive complex is one of the most popular spots at the ruins of Pompeii. by terez93
four metal cups sitting on top of each other
*POMPEII, ITALY ~ House of Menander: On the south side of the corridor leading to the kitchen are some steps which lead down to the garden (r) and a series of cellars lying directly underneath the baths. In one of these cellars a chest was found containing a bone-decorated casket with gold jewellery together with a number of gold and silver coins. Beneath these were found over 100 pieces of silver, including a group of silver pouring and drinking vessels wrapped in heavy cloth, silver utensils,
the room is very large and has many paintings on the walls, floor, and ceiling
Villa reconstruction 1— Pompeii, Italy.
Digital reconstruction of the triclinium, at the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii, Italy by James Stanton-Abbott. Notice the natural lighting and its relationship to the adjacent garden on the left and the distant sea view through the entry door.
an old stone room with two sinks and a sign on the wall that says no one is there
PHOTO: Taberna at Pompeii, Italy
This taberna at Pompeii, considered a fast food joint of the ancient world, is one of many where Romans took their midday meal. Food was sco...
an old wall with carvings and paintings on it
What's past is prologue.
Pompeian Ceiling by Jan
the inside of an old building with trees and plants growing out of it's sides
a woman holding a book in her hand and looking at the camera with an ornate pattern on it
Fresco detail, Villa di Giulia Felice, Pompeii, 1st century AD
an ancient painting on the side of a building with men and women standing in front of it
The Roman Society > Imago > Searching & Saving
Pompeii. House of L. Caeciius Jucundus: Wall Painting, Iphiginia in Taurus. The Roman Society, Imago, Searching & Saving
an artistic painting with columns, trees and other things in the background that appear to have been painted
Landscape with Ibis. Roman fresco from the temple of Isis in Pompeii. Museo Archeologico Nazionale (Naples). Before 79 CE
Paesaggio con Ibis, affresco dal tempio di Iside in Pompei. Museo Archeologico Nazionale Napoli
the inside of an old building with stone walls
Panoramic view of the atrium of the Casa dell'Ara Massima. Pompeii.