Dog grooming

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NorCal Grooming Academy on Instagram: "Recently asked question! Full video for our subscribers 🖥️ Online instructional videos & Supplies/Equipment available in the links in our bio! #doggrooming"
Юлия Моисеева on Instagram: "Предыстория: У меня шпиц, давно около 10 лет назад все твердили - нельзя стричь хвост шпицам! 😊 я и не стригла И в 1 день, когда хвост отрос уже сильно и мы пошли гулять, шпиц покакал - какашки прилипли к хвосту и хвост закинулся на спину 😅😅😅 С этого дня я стригу хвосты шпицам! Полная стрижка шпица есть в моем мастер классе онлайн - ссылка в описании профиля ❤️"
몽톡펫살롱 반려견미용실 🇰🇷✂️ on Instagram: "사랑스런 통통 귀요미 퐁키~~ 🐾🐶. 내년에는 다욧 꼭~~ ~ 성공하자규~~ !! 😉🥰. . 2024년, 다사다난했던 한 해가 어느덧 저물어가고 있습니다. 어수선하고 불안한 시국속에, 제주항공 참사와 같은 비극적인 사건까지 겹쳐서, 올해 12월은 특히나 잔인한 한 달로 기억될 것 같습니다 🥲🥲 . 제주항공 참사 희생자분들을 추모하며, 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다. . 다가오는 새해에는 시국이 좀더 안정되고, 새로운 시작과 도약의 해가 되기를 진심으로 기원합니다. . 올 한 해 몽톡펫살롱을 찾아주시고 사랑해주신 모든 분들께도 너무나 감사드립니다 🙏 . 내년에도 더욱 노력하며 보답하는 몽톡펫살롱이 되겠습니다. 감사합니다. . . #shihtzu #시추 #doggrooming #시츄"
Елена Проездова on Instagram: "Второй способ ☺️ Как постричь шапочку в один срез😀"
Melissa Talbot on Instagram: "Comment “I would” if you want a link for my favorite trimmers and scissor sets! I like being able to see my dogs eyes. So much of their expression is seen in the eyes! The eyes always need trimmed long before the rest of the body does. This is why I like to educate others on simple Grooming that can be done at home to prolong the need for a full grooming at the groomers. The tools I use are inexpensive and easy to use! I truly believe that every household with a doodle of any kind needs to own these two items. 😘 Follow @splitmountaindoodles for more! #groomingtip #hack #trimming #eyes #ifyoucanseemeicanseeyou #iloveyoureyes #dogsarelife #dogsarethebest #tuesdaytips"
Елена Проездова on Instagram: "Давно не выкладывала полезного🤗 Вы спрашивали как постричь шапочку!? Хочу показать Вам 3 способа😘 1 способ под пальчики 👇 Уважаемые подписчики грумеры прошу обратить внимание держит грумер за бородку специально для того что бы медленно показать технику,обычно у любой собаки стригут одна! Ставьте ❤️ и забирайте себе🤗Отправляйте друзьям грумерам😉"
천안애견미용 / 퍼피썬PUPPYSUN 해피쌤 on Instagram: "입에서 새소리도 나는 해피쌤ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 강아지한테 관심받으려고 온갖 이상한 방법은 다씁니당ㅋㅋㅋ 첫미용 온 꼬미~너무 착하게 잘 받아줘서 칭찬스티커 100개 드립니다🧡 #말티푸미용 #말티푸배냇미용 #천안애견미용 #성성동애견미용 #퍼피썬 #doggrooming #groomer #groomerlife"
천안애견미용 / 퍼피썬PUPPYSUN 해피쌤 on Instagram: "손만 떼면 찡찡모드 시동거는 모찌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 찡찡댄거 말고 다 잘했어요~~찐빵같이 생겼스😍 #애견미용 #천안애견미용 #성성동애견미용 #퍼피썬 #doggroomer #doggrooming"
🌱안양애견미용실 밍그루밍 원장 장민우🌱[비숑미용•푸들미용•배냇미용•귀툭튀컷•스파] on Instagram: "초보미용사에겐 한없이 어렵고 경력미용사에겐 꿀같은 알머리 미용영상😝 말티즈 또치❣️ . . . . . #안양애견미용 #말티즈알머리컷 #애견미용학원생 #초보애견미용사 #말티즈미용"
Caroline Donoghue : Dog groomer/ pet industry influencer on Instagram: "🧸TIP FOR THOSE TEDDY BEAR MUZZLES! 🧸 Follow NOW for more helpful hints, and doggy back chat!!! I used to wonder why I couldn’t get my teddy muzzles right! They weren’t round enough and looked “pointy”… Under the eye, and the muzzle, are different areas and have to be trimmed accordingly. I was taking a chunk of that muzzle when trimming under the eyes! Does this video make sense?… As always… I know what I mean lol! And yes, can we all recognise how lovely and big Lelo’s eyes are… she’s so needy!!! 😂🐾🧸 For longer styling videos, tips on tools, nail trimming, ear plucking, shih tzu legs, round heads, growing a grooming business, dog behaviour and lots more… please check out the seminars - link in bio! O
Caroline Donoghue : Dog groomer/ pet industry influencer on Instagram: "👂🐾 DONT DO THIS! 🐾👂 PROTECT THE FLAP!!!!! ⭐️⭐️FOLLOW NOW FOR MORE TIPS! ⭐️⭐️ The flap shown in the video is the “Henry’s Pocket” and it’s just inside the ear. (All viewers go off to check their dog’s lol…) Henrys pocket is not something I made up!!! This one isn’t “Lovemud lingo” it’s actually true! “Henry’s pocket, more formally known as a cutaneous marginal pouch, is a fold of skin forming an open pouch on the lower posterior part of the external ear.[1] The pocket is situated in the approximate location of the antitragus in the human ear. It occurs in a number of species, including weasels and bats, but is particularly noticeable on the domestic cat, as well as some dog breeds.” (Wikipedia, 2022) This lit