"Don't depend on other people's encouragement. It's never enough and never when you need it" - Sigourney Weaver This was a huge lesson! I was always waiting for someone else to tell me I was ready. But I realized that I needed to be in my own corner! You can be your own cheer squad. Oh, and I'll always be in your corner too! 😘
“Trusting your gut is like a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger it gets” - Sara Blakely Are you good at trusting your gut? I find that sometimes I'll jump straight into things without thinking them through. And I know that if I'm still obsessing about something when I'm trying to sleep, it's usually a sign that I don't want to do it. What about you?
“My revenue was $4 million my first year in business, off of one $20 item.” - Sara Blakely Business is a math game. To make a million dollars: Sell 100,000 of a $10 product Sell 5,000 of a $200 product Sell 2,000 of a $500 product Sell 500 of a $2,000 product I'm not saying it's 100% easy, but it IS doable! When will you have your first million-dollar year?
“You can have it all. Just not all at once.” ― Oprah Winfrey This is a hard thing for me to remember! I really try and do too many things, all at the same time, and then wonder why I feel stressed. My biggest tip is to have a note on your phone with "ONE DAY", so you can park your ideas and then it's not an open loop in your brain! What does this quote bring up for you?
“Bills should be paid cheerfully, all money should be sent forth fearlessly and with a blessing.” - Florence Scovel-Shinn Do you pay your bills cheerfully, or do you feel regret and resentment? Look at some of your latest bills - how lucky you are to have amazing support in your business, electricity for your house, and food to eat! I always pay my bills on the same day I get them. It feels abundant, and then it's off my mind! How do you feel about bills right now?
“Meet one wave at a time and enjoy what progress you make.” - Lucille Ball Business is just one series of waves after another - your first year is hectic, but it's never ever going to be smooth sailing. Don't pre-stress about what's to come, though - just meet one wave at a time! What's something you're dealing with right now?
"Decide what your currency is early. Let go of what you will never have" ― Amy Poehler When I started my business, I knew it wasn't important for me to be "famous". I wanted to do two things: help people and make money! It meant I could ignore a lot of the noise and not do things just for likes. Also, I wasn't as bothered about things like unsubscribes or refunds - it wasn't important. Do you know what your currency is?
"We can make the world a better place, one butt at a time” - Sara Blakely Sometimes we think our businesses aren't impactful enough. Or we think we should only do BIG transformational work. But every business can change the world in its own way! Sara Blakely has made a huge splash in the world with SPANX. Solving problems for people IS important - no matter how small people think it is. I'd love to hear - what small difference are you making in the world today?
"Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work." - Bette Davis There's been times in my business where I really had to push myself creatively and overcome my fear of standing out. Also - one of the scariest things I've done is to work with mentors, who push me beyond what I think I'm capable of! What do you need right now to improve your work? A mentor? A team member? Learning a new skill? I'd love to hear!