Piano Teaching

This board is all about piano teaching. Here, I gather the best piano worksheets and ideas about piano lessons, teaching piano to beginners, piano scales for beginners, piano lessons for beginners, group piano lessons, group piano lesson games, and teaching group piano to help you with music lesson planning. Learn more about piano teaching at www.ashleydanyew.com.
168 Pins
How to Plan a Musical Informance
Today, I'm taking you behind the scenes in real-time as I research, plan, and organize my first musical informance for my piano students. I'll share a few historical examples of musicians who exemplified this model, talk about ways you could structure this, outline the necessary components, and share how my students and I are preparing. Listen to Ep. 068 >>
Ep. 067 - Six Things I'm Documenting in My Piano Studio
In this episode of the Field Notes on Music Teaching & Learning podcast, I'm sharing what I've learned about the art and practice of documentation, six things I'm documenting in the studio lately, practical resources I use to track and organize this data, and suggestions for developing this practice in your music studio. Listen in >>
How to Use Tonal Pattern Cards in Your Music Studio
A few years ago, I created sets of rhythm pattern cards and tonal pattern cards based on Edwin Gordon's Music Learning Theory. I had studied this in grad school and thought it might be helpful to notate some of these patterns for teachers working with elementary students in lessons, music classes, children's choirs, etc. In this episode, you'll learn about the mental process behind how we read music, the importance of reading patterns vs. individual notes, a 5-step sequence for musical skill development, and seven creative ideas for using tonal pattern cards in your teaching on a regular basis.
How I Plan a Year of Repertoire for My Piano Studio
Last week, I posted a reel on Instagram about my annual planning process for my studio. At the end of the summer, I pull out all my books, curriculum charts, and other planning notes and spend several hours making repertoire plans for each of my students. In this episode of the Field Notes on Music Teaching & Learning podcast, I share a little more insight into my process. Listen in >>
What Piano Teachers Can Learn From Their Students
Scott Price once said, "The teacher is always and forever the student and the student is the teacher.” What does this look like in practice? In this episode of the Field Notes on Music Teaching & Learning podcast, I'm sharing a glimpse into a project I've been working on this summer and what it looks like to be a student again. Listen in >>
5 Stories From My Piano Studio
I've been looking back through my journal notes for the school year and reflecting on the a-ha moments and the learning that took place—those breakthroughs that are so exciting and motivating in the moment. In this episode of the Field Notes on Music Teaching & Learning podcast, you'll hear five short stories from my students, 1st grade to 8th grade, taken straight from my teaching journal. Listen in >>
How Do We Respond to Mistakes in Music Lessons?
In this episode of the Field Notes on Music Teaching & Learning podcast, I share five of my practical takeaways from William Westney's book, "The Perfect Wrong Note": how I'm integrating these ideas into my teaching, questions I'm asking my students, and a reflection on how we approach mistakes in the music teaching and learning process. Listen in >>
How to Balance Formal and Informal Learning in Music Lessons (Ep. 058)
What makes music learning formal or informal? Can it be both? In this episode of the Field Notes on Music Teaching & Learning podcast, I'll share music education and psychology research on what this looks like in practice + 10 accessible strategies to cultivate these negotiated spaces in your teaching.
Ep. 055 - Begin Again: The Case for Experimentation in Your Music Teaching
What kind of season are you in right now? I recognized recently that I'm in a season of learning. Of course, I am still actively teaching five days a week, but at the same time, I'm experimenting, observing, and testing things. Here are four ways I'm embracing this in my music teaching this season.
Piano Warm-Ups for Professionals | Piano Teaching
As pianists, accompanists, and teachers, warming up our muscles to play our instrument is a good practice for long-term health and wellness. In this post by Ashley Danyew, you'll find a quick warm-up routine to help you stay in shape, keep your skills sharp, and do your best playing. Learn more >>
Warm-Up Exercises for Piano Accompanists and Piano Teachers | Piano Teaching
As piano accompanists and piano teachers, warming up our muscles to play our instrument is a good practice for long-term health and wellness. In this post by Ashley Danyew, you'll find a quick warm-up routine to help you stay in shape, keep your skills sharp, and do your best playing. Read more >>
3 Takeaways From Carol Dweck's Book, Mindset | Piano Teaching
I first heard about Carol Dweck's book, Mindset from one of my grad school professors. I was familiar with her research, but I finally read her book last year. Today, I'm sharing my four biggest takeaways to give you an idea of what this book is about and how we can learn from it as musicians, teachers, and leaders. Listen to the full episode >>
Ep. 050 - Simplified Organization for the New Year - Ideas for Piano Teachers | Piano Teaching
The start of a new school year is a great opportunity to reset, refocus, and try new things. In today's episode, I'm sharing an inside look at three big studio projects I worked on this summer—repertoire planning, technique organization, and an aural skills video library—and how I'm implementing them into my studio this fall. Listen in >>
Three New Things I'm Doing in My Piano Studio This Year | Piano Teaching
The start of a new school year is a great opportunity to reset, refocus, and try new things. Today on the podcast, I'm sharing an inside look at three big projects I worked on for my piano studio this summer—repertoire planning, technique organization, and an aural skills video library—and how I'm implementing them into my studio this fall. Listen in >>
4 Takeaways From Carol Dweck's Book, Mindset | Piano Teaching
I first heard about Carol Dweck's book, Mindset from one of my grad school professors. I was familiar with her research, but I finally got around to reading her book last year. Today, I want to share my four biggest takeaways to give you an idea of what this book is about and how we can learn from it as musicians, teachers, and leaders. Listen to the full episode >>