venetian gowns

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Ascension Day Dress
Great construction pictures for those Italian kirtles that don't close in the middle. Ascension Day Dress on
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Courtesan and virtuous Venetian woman, from Lucas de Heere's Théâtre de tous les peuples et nations de la terre avec leurs habits et ornemens divers, tant anciens que modernes, diligemment depeints au naturel par Luc Dheere peintre et sculpteur Gantois. Full PDF at
Renaissance ball 23/02/2013
Renaissance ball 23/02/2013 | by Ekaterina Mikhaylova-Smolnyakova
Krejčovství - Zuzka Kraemerová, Tyrkysové benátské renesanční šaty, část 1
Very nice website about different fashions over the years.
Venetian ca. 1560
This is Anea, who makes really lovely Venetians THis was taken from her Flickr & is c 1560's Fashion
ca. 1560 La Bella Nani by Paolo Veronese (Louvre) | Grand Ladies
Circa 1560, La Bella Nani by Paolo Veronese-A fine example of the Italian gown of the early 1560s. I am quite taken with all the gold displayed, especially the epaulettes at her shoulders.
Paolo Caliari (Veronese), 1560s Venetian "Portrait of a Woman" Douai, Musee de la Chartreuse
Starlight Masquerade Venetian Renaissance Portraits
Starlight Masquerade Venetian Renaissance Portraits- Mother and Daughter. Ok. See the horned hair? Now, tell me why a "courtesan" hairstyle was being done in a Mom/Daughter portrait. IT WASN'T. The hair was meant to represent Diana the huntress in a crescent shape on your forehead. Diana also was a virgin. Chaste. Bottom line: Not hooker hair. Stop spouting myths. (Sorry, I had to have a throwdown with someone at the Knowne World Courtesan Social about this..)
Venetian Gown in the style of the 1570s with all details shown, from partlet to underlayers to hair. Amazing.
Amazingly beautiful Venetian gown by Alyxx Iannetta, back detail... and that hair! Perfect reproduction.
Tailor's - Zuzka Kraemerova, Red Venetian renaissance dress, part 1
The dress was inspired by the Venetian fashions in 1570-1580. We used sewing techniques and patterns of similar existing garments, such as the garments