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Raja Ampat, A Heaven in The Eastern of Indonesia

Raja Ampat Islands Panorama
Raja Ampat Islands Panorama. Img Via:

Talking about the natural beauty of Indonesia is not endless. One area that has exceptional natural beauty is Raja Ampat. What’s on your mind when hearing Raja Ampat? If you have in mind you are diving activities, it is true. District, which is a fraction of the district Sorong in West Papua is indeed best known underwater nature. However, it is actually a lot of things that we can meet when it traveled to the islands of Raja Ampat.

The beauty and natural wealth become a mainstay of Raja Ampat which penetrating the competitive world of tourism in Indonesia and the world. This area is known as a center of tropical natural resources in the world. The district has 610 islands; four of them, namely the island of Misool, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo the main big island. Of all islands, only 35 islands are inhabited. Other islands are uninhabited and mostly do not yet have a name. It is said that of the 610 islands in the waters of Raja Ampat are only 400 islands are explored. The rest is still a virgin.

Well, today we would like to discuss three points that you can enjoy in Raja Ampat. Check these out!

Nature Underwater

Raja Ampat Nature Underwater Photo

Raja Ampat Nature Underwater Photo

Raja Ampat Diving Underwater Pictures

Raja Ampat Diving Underwater Pictures. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Nature Underwater Diving Photo

Raja Ampat Nature Underwater Diving Photo. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Diving Underwater Photo

Raja Ampat Diving Underwater Photo

Raja Ampat Reefs Underwater Photo

Raja Ampat Reefs Underwater Photo. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Scuba Diving Photo

Raja Ampat Scuba Diving Photo

Well, if talking about diving, Raja Ampat is a paradise for divers. Raja Ampat has underwater scenery is very beautiful and amazing. The coral reef looks sturdy and colorful. If lucky, you can enjoy and perpetuate a combination of coral reefs with a variety of beautiful fish swimming in the surroundings. You will also meet with a variety of ecosystems that exist in the sea. In addition to coral reefs and fish, you can also meet with seahorses, various types of shrimp to the wreck and wreckage. Some of the beaches that you can go for snorkeling or diving in Raja Ampat, among others: Yefpian Beach, Olobi Beach, Banos Coastal, Ganan, Teteruga Beach etc.


Raja Ampat Beautiful Panorama

Raja Ampat Beautiful Panorama. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Beautiful Photo

Raja Ampat Beautiful Photo. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Islands Papua Indonesia

Raja Ampat Islands Papua Indonesia. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Panorama

Raja Ampat Panorama. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Beautiful Pictures

Raja Ampat Beautiful Pictures

Raja Ampat Islands Panorama

Raja Ampat Islands Panorama. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Islands Beautiful Photo

Raja Ampat Islands Beautiful Photo

Raja Ampat Cottage Resort Photo

Raja Ampat Cottage Resort Photo. Img VIa:

Raja Ampat Resort Photo

Raja Ampat Resort Photo. Img Via: TripAdvisor

Raja Ampat Papua Indonesia

Raja Ampat Papua Indonesia. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Misool Island Photo

Raja Ampat Misool Island Photo

Raja Ampat Tourism Photo

Raja Ampat Tourism Photo

Besides the beauty of the underwater world, Rajat Ampat also offers other fascinating natural scenery. One of the most famous and most visited are Wayag. Wayag is located in the District of West Waigeo, Raja Ampat, West Papua. Here we will see clusters of coral islands were amazing. To be able to enjoy the islands we had to climb to the highest coral island first.In Raja Ampat, you can also enjoy views of the ocean and beautiful beaches. The beauty will be more complete because it is surrounded by small mountains like a rock.

Different Types of Birds

Raja Ampat Bird Of Paradise Photo

Raja Ampat Bird Of Paradise Photo. Img Via:

Raja Ampat Maleo Bird Photo

Raja Ampat Maleo Bird Photo

Raja Ampat White Cockatoos Bird

Raja Ampat White Cockatoos Bird

You may only know Raja Ampat as a diving spot. But did you know that Raja Ampat has an amazing variety of birds? Yep, Raja Ampat is a hidden paradise that offers many types of rare birds are protected preservation. Some bird species include the yellow-crested white cockatoos, birds of paradise, maleo, julang irian, parrots, cassowaries etc.

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