Rice Recipes

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139K views · 17K reactions | Sushi bake is one of my favorite holiday potluck dishes and this lion king version is always so popular. It’s like a choose your own adventure sushi roll coated in umami-filled @ponofoodsco furikake. My sushi bake is inspired by the popular lion king roll you’ll find at most sushi restaurants and I like serving it with a bunch of sides with the roasted seaweed like green onions, jalapeños, cucumbers and even more furikake! Ingredients 4 cups warm rice (preferably sushi rice) Sesame oil 2 tbsp rice vinegar 1 pinch of salt 1/2 tsp sugar 2 filets of salmon (mine were air fried with a coating of garlic powder, onion powder and garlic salt) 8 imitation crab sticks shredded 1/2 cup Japanese mayo 1 tbsp soy sauce Unagi sauce Furikake For toppings Sliced cucumber Sliced jalapeno Avocado Sriracha Tobiko Green onions 1. Lightly grease a baking dish with sesame oil. Mix vinegar, salt, and sugar in a bowl and drizzle over rice and mix. Flatten layer of rice on bottom. Top generously with furikake. 2. Mix crab, salmon, mayo, and soy sauce in a separate bowl and layer over rice. Add a drizzle of unagi sauce and mayo. Sprinkle another layer of furikake and cover with foil. 3. Bake in oven at 375° for 12 minutes. Remove foil and broil on high for 1 minute. Serve with sheets of toasted seaweed and a spread of toppings. #sushibake #lionkingroll #foodreels | Vince Vasquez
9K reactions · 1.3K shares | 어제 엘리베이터에서 한 아이와 엄마의 대화를 들었는데요 아이는 10월에도 연휴가 3일이나 더 있다고 추석처럼 쉬는 날이 또 있으니 너무 좋지 않냐며 엄청 신나하는데 엄마는 달력을 보더니 ‘그래.. 좋겠다……’ 하며 크게 숨을 내쉬시는데..🤣ㅋㅋㅋ 남일 같지 않고 뭔가 공감되는 게 듣고 있다가 저도 모르게 입꼬리가 피식…올라가더라고요…😂 여러분들에게 10월 연휴는 어떠신가요~ 기대되시나요? ㅎㅎ (명절 요리하고 남은 자투리 야채들도 버리는 거 없이 끝까지 알차게 드세요!레시피는 유튜브 후다닥요리 참고했어요) + 월요일은 알텐바흐 스텐코팅팬 오픈날이예요~ 추석연휴 있어서 다들 바쁘시니 설명을 못 드렸는데 오늘 자세히 말씀드리려고요! 🔺코팅팬? 일단 집에 코팅팬 하나쯤은 꼭 있어야해요. 스텐, 주물, 코팅팬 모두 각각의 장단점이 있고 요리에 따라 상황에 따라 알맞게 사용해야 하는데요. 아직 요리 초보거나 관리가 번거롭거나 빠른 조리를 해야할 때는 코.팅.팬.만한게 없어요. 🔺그럼에도 우리가 코팅팬을 꺼려했던 이유는? 바로 중금속 및 유해물질..! 일반 코팅팬은 코팅이 벗겨지면 코팅 아래층이 바로 알루미늄인데요. 이 알루미늄으로 인해 중금속에 노출되면 치매, 골다공증, 알러지 등 악영향을 줄 수 있어 코팅이 벗겨지면 절대 계속 쓰지 말고 무조건 팬 교체하셔야해요‼️ 🔺왜 ‘알텐바흐 티타늄 스텐코팅팬’인가? 1.316Ti 스테인리스 위에 코팅 아무리 조심히 사용한다해도 코팅팬의 코팅은 언젠가 벗겨지게 되는데요. 하지만 일반 코팅팬처럼 알루미늄 아닌 316TI 스테인리스 위에 특수공법으로 코팅을 해서 코팅이 벗겨지더라도 안심하고 쓸 수 있어요. 2.티타늄 코팅, 친환경 코팅제 스테인리스에 논스틱기능을 부여한 코팅제에 티타늄까지 첨가해서 내구성, 내식성, 내마모성을 강화한 최상위 코팅입니다. 미국 FDA승인을 받은 PFOA 미검출 친환경 코팅제로 인체에 무해! 3.통5중 구조 통5중으로 바닥과 옆면까지 열이 전체적으로 균일하게 전달되어 최대한 빠른 조리를 할 수 있고 음식의 맛과 영양도 최대한 유지시켜줘요. ✔️코팅팬의 단점을 완벽보완한! 스텐팬과 코팅팬의 장점을 모두 갖춘! ‘프리미엄 스텐코팅팬’ 주말에 집에 있는 코팅팬들 스크래치 없는지 잘 살펴보시고요~ 교체하셔야하는 분들 9.23 월요일 오전10시에 만나요!♥️ | 리니블
101K views · 2.2K reactions | 5 minute lunch idea ~ tuna onigirazu 🐟 | Jasmine and Tea
Sushi Bake #30minutemeals #recipe #cooking #shorts #sushi #sushibake
Juk Korean rice porridge
For a comforting and traditional Korean meal, Juk (Korean Rice Porridge) is an exceptional choice. #Korean Rice Porridge recipe #korean rice porridge recipe easy #korean rice porridge instant pot #korean rice porridge breakfast #korean rice porridge vegan #rice porridge recipes korean #korean chicken rice porridge #korean walnut rice porridge #juk korean rice porridge
5-Minute Silken Tofu (Soft Tofu)
This savory silken tofu is incredibly simple to prepare and calls for a handful of basic ingredients to make the most flavorful soft tofu in just 5 minutes. Seasoned with a savory sauce with crisp aromatics, this quick & easy dish makes for the perfect appetizer or side dish for any occasion.
This may contain: a hand holding a piece of food in it's left hand with the words onigirazu written above it
Japanese Sushi Sandwich | Savoryscribe
ONIGIRAZU or a Japanese Sushi Sandwich makes for the best easy lunch 🍣🍚 Onigirazu is similar to Onigiri which are those cute stuffed rice balls formed into triangles, but translates to “no shaping” as you don’t need to shape this one. You can make whatever fillings you’d like with this, I went for my go-to easy “spicy tuna” using a can of tuna but you can also use fresh salmon or lox. I’ve had this so many times it’s my new favorite lunch! 🤍 Ingredients: • - 1 can tuna • - 2-3 TBS mayo • - 1 tsp sriracha • - 1 tsp sesame oil • - salt • - cucumber, sliced • - avocado, sliced • - 2 sheets of nori • - 1 cup of rice—I used sushi rice Directions: • - prepare rice over the stove • - drain a can of tuna and add to a bowl with mayo, sriracha, sesame oil, salt and mix until combi
This may contain: a plate with some food on it and someone reaching for the rice ball that is cut in half
Easy and Delicious Recipe Idea to Make for a Picnic
-1 cup rice, cooked -½ can Spam, cubed -1 Tbsp soy sauce -1 Tbsp sugar -2 Tbsp bbq sauce -3 eggs -spray oil -4 Tbsp furikake Garnish: -chives -kewpie mayo -seaweed strips. video by: @tasty (TikTok)
Did I say Fruikake correct when making Sushi Bake? | MyHealthyDish #shorts
This may contain: a close up of food on a table with a person in the background holding a knife
Crab Rice Balls
This may contain: someone is dipping some kind of sushi into a bowl
#food #food #lover #healthy #food🌮🌮
This may contain: someone is holding some kind of food in their hand with the other hand on top of it
Yaki recipe
Spam Kimbap
Spam Kimbap. Delicious Korean style sushi rolls filled with warm rice, spam, lettuce, pickled radish, egg and carrots. Recipe link: https://christieathome.com/blog/spam-kimbap/