TISC Project and Performance Management Platform (TPPM)
TPPM assists national focal points, managers, and staff of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) to collect, manage, and analyze data related to the projects to establish and develop national TISC networks.
TPPM is intended to be used by...
TISC focal points for monitoring the progress and results from activities to establish and develop TISCs in their country.
TISC managers for communicating the situation and needs of their TISCs.
TISC staff for tracking their professional development and activities in which they have participated.
Sign into TPPM
TPPM helps with...
Collecting TISC data
TPPM collects TISC project data through forms and surveys, pooling data on activities and results.
Managing TISC data
TPPM provides access to TISC project data, helping track the development of TISCs and their staff and highlighting upcoming events and milestones.
Analyzing TISC data
The platform analyzes TISC project data, providing a bird-eye view on national TISC projects.