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I love alien transgenderism


pronouns may vary | 21 | Lakota/white | anarchist like actually for real | transfeminist | autistic + adhd + etc | bearer of the curse ♿ | no war but class war

Okay making a new pinned post

Hi, I'm an indie sci-fi writer ( @tlirswriting / tlirs on and crocheter ( @tlirscreating )

I don't have much money to donate to fundraisers, but if you do I strongly encourage you to help the ones I share or buy my crochet / support my writing so that I can !

Tip me directly with $TLirs / v.nmo @/tlirsgender

*I will update this to add more reputable orgs/etc

I tag undescribed images for accessibility


The distinction between Erotic and Porn grows increasingly tired and pretentious to me. Girl you're all here for the same reason. Lately I've been seeing nsfw blogs saying "porn blogs dni" and they mean like a specific type of stolen gifs vibe (sure, fair, pay sw's etc etc) but be so fucking fr about what you're posting here

The weird thing to me is how it's always phrased like Porn is a unique, grosser, less-moral category of sexual content than... softcore porn. I just think it's weird to get uppity about being Tasteful when you're posting pictures of your tits. Like am I crazy. Fully different conversation than crediting ~content creators~ I agree about that part but Why are you saying it like that

Subscribing to your onlyfans to look at your tits through a purely artistic lens. Standing with my hands behind my back like an italian senior at a construction site


The distinction between Erotic and Porn grows increasingly tired and pretentious to me. Girl you're all here for the same reason. Lately I've been seeing nsfw blogs saying "porn blogs dni" and they mean like a specific type of stolen gifs vibe (sure, fair, pay sw's etc etc) but be so fucking fr about what you're posting here

The weird thing to me is how it's always phrased like Porn is a unique, grosser, less-moral category of sexual content than... softcore porn. I just think it's weird to get uppity about being Tasteful when you're posting pictures of your tits. Like am I crazy. Fully different conversation than crediting ~content creators~ I agree about that part but Why are you saying it like that


The distinction between Erotic and Porn grows increasingly tired and pretentious to me. Girl you're all here for the same reason. Lately I've been seeing nsfw blogs saying "porn blogs dni" and they mean like a specific type of stolen gifs vibe (sure, fair, pay sw's etc etc) but be so fucking fr about what you're posting here


on their clit like morse code

"S.O.S. we're going down"

fuck dont be funnier than me on my own post

No stop that

... - . -. -.. . -.-.

In 1947, an British flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile reported their status over Morse code as "ETA SANTIAGO 17.45 HRS STENDEC". That last word is nonsense, so the tower asked for clarification. They repeated: STENDEC. STENDEC.

They were never heard from again. 11 people vanished, apparently along with their plane, and the only clue is that last word.

And no one knows what the fuck "STENDEC" means.

She STEN on my DEC until I'm never heard from again.

As a highly proficient Morse code guy, I really really really wanna use someone's erect penis like a Morse code straight key. Bonus points if they know Morse code too. A dick that points up can be easily tapped against the tummy and springs back up just like a straight key.

yeah you're right, I think that's better classified as a gay key.

bonus points if you have it complete a circuit which goes to a vibrator.

a little plastic wrap and aluminum foil, an electrode on his balls, and the two leads going to a switch on a raspberry pi interpreting a closed circuit as a click, which is on the lovense site hooked up to an edge 2. I think this is a perfect idea actually. this one's on the bucket list now. actually, I could probably do this with myself. "hey bro don't use that one, it's my sex raspberry pi."

In fact, now that I think about it, I've got a hush (the XS one, so only for proof of concept--I'd want to do this on an Edge), and I might be able to get away with taking apart a USB mouse or something and rigging it this way. I might do this......

Best I could find for a source on penis resistance is here:

It calculates it for 500 kHz. In this range, the resistance would be somewhere in the order of 136 ohms--which isn't much. Might get a digital signal through a pi. But this is more of a thought exercise at this point. I wonder what the DC resistance is, and I wonder if they measured skin-skin or internal penis resistance. I may have to take some measurements of my own.

also I occasionally do this with my own dick minus the vibrator part so I can confidently say that the penis makes a good straight key btw

i'm so glad to have been a part of this


Sacred Ground shows the difference between Chakotay and Tuvok's love for Janeway in a really funny way because Chakotay is freaking out about how Janeway might be in danger and they need to beam her back to voyager because for all they know she could be DYING and Tuvok is like calm down don't you know she'd rather die than leave a task incomplete. And it just goes to show that as much as Chakotay cares for Janeway and wants to protect her he'll never show the belief in her ability and trust in her judgement that Tuvok does. Because as much as he admires her he puts his affection first and Tuvok puts Janeway's choices and convictions above everything, even above his love for her and her wellbeing. Janeway could probably use someone like Chakotay especially when they get back to earth but Tuvok having such total faith in and knowledge of her that he wouldn't save her when he knows it would be her choice to die is incredible.


Even if we're not going to see a dismantling of the system or liberation for actively colonized people in our lifetime, we need to be moving like we are. Yall love to bring up the Panthers and the Black Power movement, but they moved that way BECAUSE they thought they were going to see an end to the system in their lifetimes, and even after COINTELPRO and the "death of socialism", they still moved like their children or grandchildren would see that world. I think we get too bogged down in being "realistic" because Neoliberalism makes it so we can't imagine a world without it. We have to think bigger.


I think raceblind casting works better for theatre than movies/tv... (remembers that production of les mis with Black Javert) hmm. Well for like shakespeare. Some shit where the themes don't get weird with the implications


I finished watching russian doll (netflix) the other day btw and it was really fucking good but I can't get over how there was just this random guy there in this story otherwise exclusively about a woman and her matrilineal intergenerational trauma. They had to give us a token man with genuinely nothing to do in the main plot or something would happen. Netflix original diversity chart. I'm not crazy right you all noticed that too especially in season 2 right

Like I feel a little bad for not giving a fuck about alan but who gives a fuck about alan. Russian doll is like, about jewish women. And this one Fully unrelated black guy. There are like a good few episodes in season 2 that fully forgot about his B plot & like, surely this isn't the move for anyone involved. Normally I'm the number one defender of that one black guy the writers didn't know what to do with (many such cases) but this is such a weird choice why did we Needddddd to have a man here. And then make him Of Color. So it's diverse. I call him the "token man" jokingly but netflix tokenism re: race does get really tiring doesn't it. This isn't anything meaningful he's just fucking There

I feel like it could have been done a lot better. They could have had it tie together more, have something to say about all of that. In season 1 it made more sense he was doing some narrative foil shit to her but in season 2 he was just wandering around like an unattended sim. Being a man. Well he time travel body swapped with his grandmother, which could mean nothing, so we can just pretend if we have to

[ID: tags from @bongwater-supreme that read, "#Genuinely forgot about him until I saw this post #that's how much of a separate entity he feels to the main plot and themes #s2 could have leaned into the comparisons of generational trauma between the Jewish and Black communities #But instead he was just kind of there #unattended sim is the best way to describe him in s2" /end ID]

Right exactly. Because netflix doesn't make black characters who are black people, they just kind of (gestures vaguely) they make alan


i have been noticing recently that people younger than me are too sensitive, while people older than me are not sensitive enough. which, if i'm correct, should be taken as a sign that the total reality penetration vortex is operating as intended -- within as few as five or six generations we may very well be producing babies who can directly perceive the wound at the heart of the world


90% of people would run to the bathroom if the killer was in their house. and it makes sense, its small, private, youve historically been alone in that type of room throughout your life. but then you forget about the killer and start taking a shower. and thats when the movie director strikes


In another timeline tumblr users got really annoyingly into keeping their keys on a lanyard

And you could always tell who organically needs to have a lanyard for their job & who just wears one because they heard it's a gay thing on tumblr. And the latter don't even know it's because working class aesthetics are associated with butch lesbians they just think it's cute or something. They make little collages n shit

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