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Bundle Runtime

While Timoni Bundles offer a way to specify the config values in declarative manner, not all the configuration values of an application are known ahead of time. Some values may be available at runtime, in the Kubernetes clusters where the Bundle is applied.

For example, the API token for some backend service that your app consumes is stored in a Kubernetes Secret in-cluster. When installing the application with Timoni, you may want to fetch the token from the Kubernetes Secret and use it as a config value.

Timoni Runtime API offers a way to define values which are fetched from the Kubernetes API and mapped to fields inside a Bundle.


The following is an example of a Runtime definition that extracts values from the cluster.

runtime: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "production"
    clusters: {
        // using the cluster set in kubeconfig current context
    values: [
            query: "k8s:v1:ConfigMap:infra:aws-info"
            for: {
                "ACCOUNT_ID": ""
                "REGION":     ""
            query: "k8s:v1:Secret:infra:redis-auth"
            for: {
                "REDIS_PASS": ""
                "REDIS_CA":   "\"ca.crt\""

The values from the Runtime, can be mapped to fields in a Bundle using @timoni() attributes.

bundle: {
    _id:   string @timoni(runtime:string:ACCOUNT_ID)
    _reg:  string @timoni(runtime:string:REGION)
    _pass: string @timoni(runtime:string:REDIS_PASS)

    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "podinfo"
    instances: {
        podinfo: {
            module: url: "oci://\(_id).dkr.ecr.\(_reg)"
            namespace: "podinfo"
            values: caching: {
                enabled:  true
                redisURL: "tcp://:\(_pass)@redis.infra:6379"

Assuming the ConfigMaps and Secrets are in the cluster, and the Runtime file is runtime.cue and the Bundle file is bundle.cue.

Build the runtime to see which values are present on the cluster:

timoni runtime build -f runtime.cue
ACCOUNT_ID: 1234567890
REGION: us-west-2
REDIS_PASS: password

Apply the Bundle using the values from the Runtime:

timoni bundle apply -f bundle.cue --runtime runtime.cue
applying instance podinfo
pulling oci://
using module version 6.3.5
installing podinfo in namespace podinfo
ServiceAccount/podinfo/podinfo created
Service/podinfo/podinfo created
Deployment/podinfo/podinfo created
waiting for 3 resource(s) to become ready...
resources are ready

Writing a Runtime spec

A Runtime file must contain a definition that matches the following schema:

#Runtime: {
    apiVersion: string
    name:       string

    clusters?: [string]: {
        group!:       string
        kubeContext!: string

    values?: [...#RuntimeValue]

#RuntimeValue: {
    query: string
    for: {[string]: string}
    optional: *false | bool

API version

The apiVersion is a required field that specifies the version of the Runtime schema.

Currently, the only supported value is v1alpha1.


The name is a required field used to identify the Runtime.


The clusters field is for defining the target clusters and environments (group of clusters) where a Bundle is applied.

A cluster entry must specify the group and kubeContext fields. The kubeContext value must match a context name from the .kube/config file.

Default cluster

When no clusters are defined in the Runtime, Timoni will use the current context from the kubeconfig, unless the context is specifed using the --kube-context flag.


runtime: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "fleet"
    clusters: {
        "preview-us-1": {
            group:       "staging"
            kubeContext: "eks-us-west-2"
        "prod-us-1": {
            group:       "production"
            kubeContext: "eks-us-west-1"
        "prod-eu-1": {
            group:       "production"
            kubeContext: "eks-eu-west-1"

The clusters name and group, can be mapped to fields in a Bundle using @timoni() attributes.

bundle: {
    _cluster: string @timoni(runtime:string:TIMONI_CLUSTER_NAME)
    _env:     string @timoni(runtime:string:TIMONI_CLUSTER_GROUP)

    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "apps"
    instances: {
        app: {
            module: url: "oci://"
            namespace: "apps"
            values: {
                ui: message: "Hosted by \(_cluster)"
                if _env == "staging" {
                    replicas: 1
                if _env == "production" {
                    replicas: 2

When applying the above Bundle, Timoni will deploy the app instances to all the clusters, in the order defined in the Runtime. If the apply fails on a staging cluster, Timoni will stop the execution and not continue with production.

For more details please see the multi-cluster deployments guide.


The values array is for specifying the list of Kubernetes resources and the fields to be extracted.


The values.query is a required field that specifies the Kubernetes resource.

The query field must be in the format k8s:<apiVersion>:<kind>:<namespace>:<name>.


runtime: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "production"
    values: [
            query: "k8s:v1:Secret:infra:redis-auth"
            for: {
                "REDIS_PASS": ""

If the Kubernetes resource is global, the query format is k8s:<apiVersion>:<kind>:<name>.


runtime: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "production"
    values: [
            query: ""
            for: {
                "ISSUER_EMAIL": ""


The values.for is a required map that specifies which fields to be extracted from the Kubernetes resource.

The for map must contain pairs of name and CUE expression.


runtime: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "production"
    values: [
            query: ""
            for: {
                "GIT_REVISION": "obj.status.artifact.revision"
                "GIT_STATUS":   "[for c in obj.status.conditions if c.type == \"Ready\" {c.status}][0]"

The CUE expression must result in a concrete value of type string, number or bool.


The optional field can be set to true and Timoni will skip not found Kubernetes resources instead of throwing an error.

Using values from Kubernetes API

The values defined in a Runtime can be referred in Bundles using CUE attributes.

The @timoni(runtime:[string|number|bool]:[VAR_NAME]) CUE attribute can be placed next to a field to set its value from the runtime.

bundle: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "app"
    instances: {
        app: {
            module: url: "oci://localhost:5000/modules/app"
            namespace: "apps"
            values: {
                host:    string @timoni(runtime:string:HOST)
                enabled: bool   @timoni(runtime:bool:ENABLED)
                score:   int    @timoni(runtime:number:SCORE)

If a runtime value is optional, you can provide defaults which will be used only if the runtime doesn't contain the referenced value:

values: {
    host:    "" @timoni(runtime:string:HOST)
    enabled: true          @timoni(runtime:bool:ENABLED)
    score:   1             @timoni(runtime:number:SCORE)

To load the runtime values at apply time, use the --runtime flag:

timoni bundle apply -f bundle.cue --runtime runtime.cue

At apply time, Timoni injects the fields values from the runtime, if a specified runtime var is not found and if a default is not provided, the apply with fail with an incomplete value error.

Using values from environment variables

To use values from environment variables, the environment must contain variables which match the CUE attributes.


bundle: {
    apiVersion: "v1alpha1"
    name:       "app"
    instances: {
        app: {
            module: url: "oci://localhost:5000/modules/app"
            namespace: "apps"
            values: {
                sshKey:  string @timoni(runtime:string:SSH_KEY)
                isAdmin: false  @timoni(runtime:bool:IS_ADMIN)

Export the env vars and run the timoni bundle apply --runtime-from-env command.

EXPORT SSH_KEY=$(cat .ssh/

timoni bundle apply -f bundle.cue --runtime-from-env

Mixing values from the Runtime and Environment

When using timoni bundle apply --runtime runtime.cue --runtime-from-env, the values coming from the Runtime take precedence over the Environment.