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Powerful spiritual tools

Published 9:24 am Friday, December 20, 2024

This time of the year is difficult for many of us. Some have lost loved ones recently. Others, like myself, lost a family member (on Christmas Eve 12 years ago) or close friend during this season when we all are encouraged to be thankful (in November) and to have great joy (in December). Although the emotions are not as strong as they were in 2012, our family will never be the same without that family member being present with us to celebrate and live life with us. This past year I have experienced the loss of several dear friends (before their time should have been up) as well as having several other friends lose a family member. The untimely (early) deaths are difficult but so are the ones who lived out a long life and were ready to go Home. The main consolation I have is knowing that every single one of these untimely deaths was a believer who knew and loved the Lord and is in Heaven celebrating with unveiled eyes and hearts the very things we celebrate by faith.

Two of the most powerful spiritual tools or weapons we believers have are a thankful heart and the joy of the Lord. I have written on both of these topics many times but once again, I love to remind all of us that keeping our life simple by using these two tools often will give us a quality of life that will attract both the Lord and others to us.

I heard someone say “The true test of joy is not knowing the outcome.”  I think of those men and women listed in Hebrews 11 in the chapter many have called the “hall of faith.” All of those listed did something contrary to logic, the facts, or common sense. Some of them never saw the fulfillment of what they had been promised or were believing God for. Jesus did know what His sacrificial life and death’s purpose was and it sustained Him until the very end. “Who, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross and despised the shame.” But even those who are struggling to maintain that place of trust without knowing or understanding fully can enter into a place of joy that sustains them. Job was told to “curse God and die” by his wife when things became unbearable and yet Job could say to his wife “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21) His friends condemned him and accused him and Job did waver after these so-called friends continued relentlessly to accuse him. But ultimately the Lord began to speak directly to Job and reveal more of Himself to him in such a way that he repented of his double-mindedness and unbelief and allowed God to show him even more about His true nature and character.

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Our joy can be sustained by knowing the truth – just as those lowly shepherds were privileged to see the newborn Savior that was announced to them by the angels who were celebrating with “great joy” and “glad tidings” at His birth into this world.

Inside every one of us who are born again is a well (or spring) of salvation – living water. (Isaiah 12:3) That living water can sustain us through the darkest and driest of times. It is with the bucket of joy that we draw this water out of our spirit and into our daily lives to refresh not only us but all those whose lives we touch. In this season, be a distributor of the living water that lives within you. Messengers of joy can change the atmosphere of a room or a home.

Thankfulness is not just a prayer we offer before our meal or an event that happens once a year at the end of November. Practicing thankfulness daily has become a habit of mine for many years. It is impossible to be thankful and unthankful at the same time. I even set a reminder on my phone so that every morning at 10:30 am I can pause and focus my attention on just how thankful I am – whether something specific comes to mind or not, my focus is towards the One to whom I give thanks for the many bountiful reasons I have to give Him an offering of thanksgiving.

Even those who are struggling with the many life issues that happen to most of us can refocus upon something we can be thankful for, that adjustment will change our whole attitude for that moment in time. Others will notice. It may even change the atmosphere the same way that someone expressing joy will do. If we “enter His gates with thanksgiving” then when we express a thankful heart His presence will be there.

Andrae’ Crouch, gospel singer extraordinaire, wrote the song “My Tribute” many years ago (1972) but it has continued to be a favorite not only to me but to many others who have sung their version of it. “How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me? Things so undeserved, yet You gave to prove Your love for me. The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude. All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Thee. To God be the glory (3x) For the things He has done. With His blood, He has saved me, with His power He has raised me. To God be the glory for the things He has done. Oh, just let me live my life, let it be pleasing Lord to Thee. And if I gain any praise, let it go to Calvary.”

A dear friend of mine who was one of the most inspirational preachers I have ever heard preached a sermon called “Revival through a Thankful Heart.” There is no doubt in my mind that thankfulness and joy go hand in hand to equip any believer to go through the most severe trials and tests that could otherwise overwhelm us. These tools will pull you up out of your circumstances to a place of sustaining you through it all. That is the title of another gospel song written and sung by Crouch – “Through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God.” I won’t quote the lyrics to this song but if you are going through a time where you may be struggling to stay in faith and peace, those words may very well be what you need to hear and meditate upon.

As we prepare to enter a new year, may we use these two powerful tools to keep us moving forward with fresh hope. No matter how traumatic 2024 has been for you, moving forward into the New Year with a joyful and thankful heart will help each of us experience God’s love and His amazing peace amid any circumstances that have the potential to sidetrack or derail us. They can sustain us even when there is no understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7) May God bless each one of you and keep you in His perfect peace and joy during this season and always.