Zero adjective - Having no measurable or otherwise determinable value.
Nearby Words: zeroed, zeroing
Mutual synonyms
Common collocations
buttons | thin buttons | zero buttons |
Both words in one sentence
- Bachchan is the big one, Jimmy is the short one, and Pooja (played by an actress who dieted and exercised her way to a "size zero" for the role) is the thin one.
Source: Bollywood / Tashan - The Maskman and Flashman suits were equally nameless, completely pulled out of thin air and given zero explanation as to their sudden existence and how the Rangers obtained the suits!
Source: Marth Debuted in "Smash Bros." - An ad for the zero calorie sweetener Truvia features an extremely thin woman scarfing down cheesecake, while a cutesy jingle that's supposed to be her inner monologue laments that real sugar made her "butt fat."
Source: Hollywood Pudgy
Cite this Source
Zero and Thin. (2016). Retrieved 2025, January 10, from
Thin & Zero. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Jan. 2025. <>.
Zero or Thin. 2016. Accessed January 10, 2025.
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