Flak noun - Artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes.
Both words in one sentence
- The game ends when you run out of time.Ported to the Atari 2600 as the anti-aircraft games in Air-Sea Battle.Anti-Aircraft provides examples of: Anti-Air: Two rather crudely rendered World War II style large-caliber flak guns.
Source: Video Game / Anti Aircraft -
This could also explain why their anti-tank/aircraft weaponry have reverted to flak-based munitions.
Source: Video Game / Rise of the Reds -
Pity the poor flak truck that meets it... Or, through a combination of luck and skill, hostile aircraft.
Source: Video Game / War Thunder
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Flak and Aircraft. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 04, from
Aircraft & Flak. N.p., 2016. Web. 04 Mar. 2025. <>.
Flak or Aircraft. 2016. Accessed March 04, 2025.
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