Class on numerical mechanics:
From Lagrangian mechanics to simulation tools for computer graphics
Abstract: From special effects in movies to virtual prototyping and computer design, physics-based simulation has become a powerful tool to capture, predict, and even understand the behavior of complex mechanical phenomena. Designing realistic, robust and efficient mechanical simulators requires complementary skills in various fields such as mechanics, numerical analysis, and algorithmic. The goal of this class is to provide both theoretical and practical tools to students in order to understand important concepts lying behind physical simulation. Fundamentals on both solid mechanics and numerical analysis will be presented, complemented by practical exercises on machines.
Instructors: Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Mélina Skouras, and Mickaël Ly
Place: ENS Lyon
- 2019: Thursday, from September 12 to October 10, 2019 (5 day-classes, half-day theory and half-day practice on python)
- 2020: Tuesday afternoon (1:30 pm – 5:45 pm), from September 8 to November 10 (8 classes, half-session on theory and half-session on practice with python).
Planned classes (2019):
- Thursday 12 September: Lagrangian mechanics (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)
[introduction.pdf] [lagrange-discretisation.pdf] [introductionTP.pdf] [tp1.pdf] - Thursday 19 September: Three-dimensional elasticity (M. Skouras; practice: M. Ly)
- Thursday 26 September: Slender elastic structures (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)
- Thursday 3 October: Inverse problems (M. Skouras; practice: M. Ly)
- Thursday 10 October: Frictional contact (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)
Planned classes (2020):
- Tuesday 8 September: Lagrangian mechanics (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly) [introduction-2020.pdf] [lagrange-discretisation-2020.pdf]
- Tuesday 15 September: Finite differences (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)
- Tuesday 22 September: Three-dimensional elasticity (M. Skouras; practice: M. Ly) [tp2_part1.pdf]
- Tuesday 29 September: Finite elements (M. Skouras; practice: M. Ly)
- Tuesday 6 October: Slender elastic structures (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)
- Tuesday 13 October: Numerical optimization (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)
- Tuesday 3 November: Constraint optimization (M. Skouras; practice: M. Ly)
- Tuesday 10 November: Frictional contact (F. Bertails-Descoubes; practice: M. Ly)