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4.1 - Does Winsock support raw sockets?

Yes, with limitations.

For instance:

         SOCKET sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP);

This says we want a raw IP-based socket (AF_INET) that uses ICMP’s registered IP protocol number, 1, which the Winsock headers have helpfully provided as the IPPROTO_ICMP constant. The Winsock headers define several more IPPROTO_* constants, but many more IP-based protocols exist. You can pass any value from that list, which allows your program to implement that protocol. (There are restrictions, noted below.) For instance, you could pass 132 if you wanted to implement SCTP in user space. You could even use this feature to implement some new IP-based protocol. As I write this, protocol numbers 141-252 are still unassigned; you should use 253 or 254 for testing, as they have been reserved for that purpose.

You should only use raw sockets if that is the only way to do what you want. There are several problems with raw sockets:

  1. Your program needs administrator rights on the machine to use raw sockets.

  2. Raw sockets are much slower than an in-kernel protocol driver using the stack’s Transport Data Interface. The TDI mechanism is documented and works hand-in-hand with Winsock, just from the other side of the kernel/user space barrier.

    One of the biggest arguments against writing a driver is that you have to have admin rights to install it, but since that applies to raw sockets anyway, it’s actually an anti-argument: a TDI protocol driver lets even unprivileged users use it, through Winsock. (Above, I gave the example of SCTP, which you could implement for fun in user space, but for production use, you’d probably want to buy one of the existing kernel drivers.)

  3. There are some things raw sockets simply cannot do, either because Microsoft hasn’t added the feature to Windows yet, or because they’ve intentionally prevented it, such as for security reasons.

  4. While you can use it to capture packets, it’s rather buggy. See that FAQ item for the problems and the recommended alternative.

Windows NT 4 only supports raw ICMP and raw IGMP. Primarily, this is to allow programs to send “ping” packets in a standard way. I don’t see the point of raw IGMP, since Winsock provides APIs for multicast group management, which should suffice.

Windows 2000 greatly expanded raw sockets support relative to NT 4. It shares this level of capability with

Microsoft added some restrictions on raw sockets in the personal versions of Windows starting with XP SP2, and in the server versions starting with Windows Server 2008 R2. The first two exist to block certain kinds of malware. First, raw TCP is now completely disallowed. Less severe, with raw UDP, you can no longer spoof the source address. A third restriction, which just seems weird to me, is that you are no longer allowed to bind a raw socket to a particular network interface. That’s almost like an anti-restriction, since it means raw sockets always receive incoming packets with the requested IP protocol number from all interfaces.

Most of the time with raw sockets, you will simply build on top of the IP layer, letting the stack provide the IP header and set all its fields. If you need to change one or more of these fields, first look in the documentation for setsockopt(). You may find that there is an option for that already, such as IP_TTL to set the TTL field’s default value. If no such option exists and you’re running a modern version of Windows newer than Windows NT 4, you may be able to get the behavior you want with the IP_HDRINCL socket option. This tells the stack that data you pass on your raw socket will include the IP header as well as that of the next protocol level up.

4.2 - How can I capture packets on a LAN with Winsock?

You can do this on Windows 2000 and later by passing SIO_RCVALL as the second parameter to WSAIoctl().

This feature has several problems:

  1. It requires administrator privileges.

  2. In all versions of Windows from 2000 through the original Windows Server 2008 release, this method only lets you see incoming packets. It wasn’t until Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 that this mechanism would also show you packets sent from the machine.

  3. It’s easily broken by things like TCP Offload Engines. The alternatives recommended below operate at a lower level, so they can simply ask the network interface to run in “promiscuous” mode, passing everything through without processing. The current SIO_RCVALL implementation doesn’t do this. To be fair, sometimes there is a driver option in the Control Panel that lets you control this, but that’s a hassle.

  4. Most other common desktop operating systems have some way to ask the kernel to do some of the filtering for you. Not so with SIO_RCVALL. You want this, because your program is probably interested in only some packets, so you have to filter out the ones you aren’t interested in. At gigabit speeds, it can take a surprising amount of CPU power to do this. You might not be able to do it fast enough to prevent the kernel from running out of buffer space, forcing it to drop packets. Doing at least some of the filtering in the kernel can make this practical, since it saves a kernel to user space context switch for each filtered packet.

A better plan is to bypass Winsock and talk to either the Transport Data Interface (TDI) layer or to the Network Device Interface Specification (NDIS) layer. The TDI layer is just above the system’s NDIS (network driver) layer.

You may not need to write this code yourself. The same packet capture driver used by the Windows version of Wireshark — the famous open source cross-platform sniffer — is also freely available. It is called WinPcap. You may remember seeing the WinPcap installer run if you’ve installed Wireshark already.

WinPcap solves all of the problems above. The only tricky bit is that you have to be an admin to install it, and the feature that lets non-admins request packet capture services is an install-time option. If you’re an unpriviledged user on a system where the driver is already installed, it’s possible your admin installed it with this feature disabled.

If you did have to write your own packet capture driver, you should look into some helper libraries to ease the creation. As of this writing, I know of Komodia TCP/IP Library, LibnetNT and WinDis32.

PCAUSA — the makers of WinDis32 — also has several FAQs that talk about various low-level network stack access methods. These FAQs also point you to various bits of sample code, most of it from Microsoft’s various DDKs.

4.3 - How can I change the contents of a packet?

If you just need to change a particular field in an outgoing packet’s TCP or IP header, look up setsockopt(), ioctlsocket() and WSAIoctl() in the MSDN Library. You might find that there is an option specifically for that. For instance, you can change the IP header’s TTL field by setting the IP_TTL socket option.

If those mechanisms don’t expose control of the field you need to change, you may be able to build your own packet headers with raw sockets. Beware that newer versions of Windows have added restrictions that prevent some types of modifications, usually for security reasons.

If you need more complete control, you will have to dig below the Winsock API level.

One option is to write a Layered Service Provider. An LSP is able to inject itself into the stack, so it can inspect and change data at will. Web filtering programs typically do their thing with an LSP, for instance. LSPs are a feature of Winsock, but this FAQ concerns itself only with the Winsock API. LSPs talk to the other Winsock interface, the Service Provider Interface (SPI). The best Winsock SPI reference I know of is the MSDN Library.

Another option is to write a driver that talks to the Transport Data Interface (TDI) layer or to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) layer. Further information is available in PCAUSA’s FAQs.

Finally, don’t be too quick to rule out the option of building your application on a platform that gives you better access to low-level packet details. Most Unix flavors (including Linux) offer powerful mechanisms for low-level network I/O. This is one reason more network appliances are built on Linux or BSD Unix than on Windows. For information on raw network programming on such platforms, see Thamer Al-Herbish’s Raw IP Networking FAQ.

4.4 - How can I “ping” another machine?

The “official” method uses the IPPROTO_ICMP raw socket type, supported by every modern version of Windows, and several older ones as well. [C++ example]

The other method uses ICMP.DLL, an even older part of Windows that Microsoft claims they’re going to remove some day. They’ve been saying that since at least the Windows XP days, and it’s still in Windows 7. They doubtless keep it around because, unlike the raw sockets method, it lets you send ping packets without administrator privileges. The raw sockets method does have one advantage over the ICMP.DLL method: because it requires that you build the raw ICMP packet from scratch, you have complete control over its contents. The ICMP.DLL is simpler, but less powerful. [C++ example]

Many programs misuse ping. Naturally it has good uses, but it’s a sign of a broken program or protocol if you find yourself resorting to regular use of ping packets. The most common case of ping abuse is when the program needs to detect dropped connections. See that FAQ item for better solutions to this problem.

4.5 - Is it possible to create sockets that map to a DLL rather than an application?

Under Windows, a DLL’s data is actually owned by the application that loads the DLL. If you need the DLL to own a single socket no matter how many processes load the DLL, you need to create a “helper process” which will perform all Winsock operations on behalf of the DLL. Naturally you’ll need some kind of interprocess communication channel between the DLL and the helper process.

Note that this issue only matters if you’re using a DLL to let multiple processes share a socket. If you only have one process using the DLL, or if it’s okay for each process to remain ignorant of the other processes using the DLL, this issue won’t matter to you.

4.6 - How can I get access to the {route, ARP, interface, etc.} table?

Use Windows’ SNMP API. It allows you to access many “hidden” parts of the Windows networking subsystem, including the network interface list, the route and ARP tables, the list of connected network sockets, your Ethernet cards’ hardware addresses, etc.

One of the FAQ’s examples uses this API.

4.7 - How do I get the MAC (a.k.a. hardware) address of the local Ethernet adapter?

This FAQ has example code for two hackish methods and one complex but reliable method.

The first method involves asking the NetBIOS API for the adapter addresses. This method will fail on systems where NetBIOS isn’t present, and it sometimes gives bogus answers.

There is a second method that depends on a property of the RPC/OLE API. This property is documented but not guaranteed to do what we want, and in fact it fails in a number of situations. (Details in the example program’s commentary.) As a result, I have to recommend that you give this method a miss.

The third method uses the sparsely-documented SNMP API to get MAC addresses. This method seems to work all the time, but it’s far more complex than the other two methods.

There is one other method for which I don’t yet have an example: the IP Helper API has a function called GetIfTable() which returns a table containing MAC addresses, among many other tasty bits of info. This method works on all modern versions of Windows, and on a few older ones as well. Reportedly, you have to use LoadLibrary() to dig this function out of iphlpapi.dll, as it isn’t exposed for direct linking. It’s just as well, since implicitly linking to iphlpapi.dll lets your program fail gracefully when run on versions of Windows without this function.

There are some lower-level methods in PCAUSA’s NDIS FAQ that may also be helpful to you.

4.8 - How many simultaneous sockets can I have open?

There is no fixed connection or socket limit on any modern version of Windows. The limit depends on the I/O strategy you use, the amount of memory in the system, and your program’s network usage pattern:

The I/O Strategy Factor: As the above-linked article points out, there are many possible I/O strategies with Winsock. This is because they have different strengths and weaknesses, one of which is how well the strategy fares in high connection count situations. If you have to get into the thousands of connections, you want to use overlapped I/O, the only strategy that reliably allows you to achieve such high connection counts. Other strategies — asynchronous notification, select(), thread-per-socket... — will hit some other performance wall before the network stack itself starts running out of resources. Some take too much CPU, others require lots of context switches, others use inefficient notification mechanisms.

The Memory Factor: According to Microsoft, all modern versions of Windows allocate sockets out of the non-paged memory pool. (That is, memory that cannot be swapped to the page file by the virtual memory subsystem.) The size of this pool is necessarily fixed, and is dependent on the amount of physical memory in the system. On Intel x86 machines, the non-paged memory pool stops growing at 1/8 the size of physical memory, with a hard maximum of 128 megabytes for Windows NT 4.0, and 256 megabytes for Windows 2000. You thus hit the maxium with 1 or 2 GB of RAM, respectively. (I do not have any information on whether these limits have increased in newer versions of Windows, or if something different happens on 64-bit CPUs. If you do, email me.)

The “Busy-ness” Factor: The amount of data associated with each socket varies depending on how that socket’s used, but the minimum size is around 2 KB. Overlapped I/O buffers also eat into the non-paged pool, in blocks of 4 KB. (4 KB is the x86 memory management unit’s page size.) Thus a simplistic application that’s regularly sending and receiving on a socket will tie up at least 10 KB of non-pageable memory. Assuming that simple case of 10 KB of data per connection, the theoretical maximum number of sockets on NT 4.0 is about 12,800, and on Win2K 25,600.

I have seen reports of a 64 MB Windows NT 4.0 machine hitting the wall at 1,500 connections, a 128 MB machine at around 4,000 connections, and a 192 MB machine maxing out at 4,700 connections. It would appear that on these machines, each connection is using between 4 KB and 6 KB. The discrepancy between these numbers and the 10 KB number above is probably due to the fact that in these servers, not all connections were sending and receiving all the time. The idle connections will only be using about 2 KB each.

So, adjusting our “average” size down to 6 KB per socket, NT 4.0 could handle about 22,000 sockets and Win2K about 44,000 sockets. The largest value I’ve seen reported is 16,000 sockets on Windows NT 4.0. This lower actual value is probably partially due to the fact that the entire non-paged memory pool isn’t available to a single program. Other running programs (such as core OS services) will be competing with yours for space in the non-paged memory pool.

4.9 - What are the “64 sockets” limitations?

There are two 64-socket limitations:

The Windows event mechanism (e.g. WaitForMultipleObjects()) can only wait on 64 event objects at a time. Winsock 2 provides the WSAEventSelect() function which lets you use Windows’ event mechanism to wait for events on sockets. Because it uses Windows’ event mechanism, you can only wait for events on 64 sockets at a time. If you want to wait on more than 64 Winsock event objects at a time, you need to use multiple threads, each waiting on no more than 64 of the sockets.

The select() function is also limited in certain situations to waiting on 64 sockets at a time. The FD_SETSIZE constant defined in the Winsock header determines the size of the fd_set structures you pass to select(). The default value is 64, but if you define this constant to a different value before including the Winsock header, it accepts that value instead:

        #define FD_SETSIZE 1024
        #include <wsock32.h>

The problem is that modern network stacks are complex, with many parts coming from various sources, including third parties via things like Layered Service Providers. When you change this constant, you’re depending on all these components to play by the new rules. They’re supposed to, but not all do. The typical symptom is that they ignore sockets beyond the 64th in larger fd_set structures. You can get around this limitation with threads, just as in the event object case.

4.10 - How do I make Winsock use a specific network interface?

Before I answer the stated question, keep in mind that the routing layer of the stack exists to handle this for you. If your setup isn’t working the way you want, maybe you just need to change the routing tables. (This is done with the route and netstat command-line programs.)

There are two common reasons you might want to force the stack to use a particular network interface. The first is when you only want your server program to handle incoming connections on a particular interface. For example, perhaps one of the interfaces on your machine is an Ethernet card connected to a private LAN and the other is a USB DSL modem connected to the big bad Internet. In such a case, listening only on the trusted network is safer, if you can get away with it. The other reason is that you have two or more possible outgoing routes, and you want your client program to connect using a particular one without the routing layer getting in the way.

You can do both of these things with the bind() function. Using one of the “get my IP addresses” examples, you can present your user with a list of possible addresses. Then they can pick the appropriate address to use, which your program will use in the bind() call. Obviously, this is only feasible for programs intended for advanced users.

Modern versions of Windows let you give a network interface multiple IP addresses in the Network control panel. Get into the Advanced settings, where the other TCP/IP settings are, and you will find a place where you can enter multiple IP addresses for that single interface. The last time I tried this, the workstation and home class versions of Windows limited you to 5 addresses here, with the server class versions being unlimited.

Aside: One of the ways Internet hosting companies provide virtual shared hosting involves this technique of adding multiple IP aliases for a single network interface. Each site hosted on that server is assigned one of these IP addresses, and the web server listens on each of them individually. This lets it detect which IP address an incoming connection came in on, and thus which site’s web pages it should serve up. A single physical server thus appears, to outside clients, to be many servers. There are other varieties of virtual hosting, but diving deeper would take us off the topic of this FAQ item.

4.11 - What do the FIN_WAIT_x, TIME_WAIT, CLOSE_WAIT and other states mean?

These socket states are dispayed by the netstat tool. For information on what they mean and what to do about them, see the FAQ article Debugging TCP/IP.

4.12 - What is the { SYN, ACK, FIN, RST } bit?

See the FAQ article Debugging TCP/IP.

4.13 - Is it a bad idea to bind() to a particular port in a client program?

It’s occasionally justifiable, but most of the time it’s a very bad idea. I’ve only heard of two good uses of this feature:

  1. Some protocols demand that the client connection come in from a port in a particular range. Some implementations of the Berkeley “r-commands” (e.g. rlogin, rsh, rcp, etc.) do this for security purposes. Because only privileged users can bind to a low-numbered port (1-1023) on modern operating systems, a connection coming from such a port implies that the remote user is a privileged user. This is one of the very tiny nods to security in the r-command scheme, in that the server program only believes a remote user claiming to be root is who they say they are if the connection comes in on a low-numbered port. (These protocols are otherwise horribly insecure, and thus no longer used on any system that has a clueful sysadmin.) These commands achieve this by attempting to bind, one by one, to each port in this range until it succeeds. This is a Unix-centric view, though it does also apply on modern versions of Windows where normal users aren’t running as Administrator.

  2. The other common example is FTP in its “active” mode: the client binds to a random port and then tells the server to connect to that port for the next data transfer. This is justifiable because it arguably cleans up the protocol, and the FTP client doesn’t need to bind to any particular port, it just needs to bind to a port. (Incidentally, it does this by binding to port 0 — the stack chooses an available port when you do this.) This is also justifiable because the FTP client is acting as a server in this case, so it makes sense that it has to bind to a port.

Note that in neither example are we trying to bind to a particular port. This is good design, for a client. Both examples have the client being flexible about the ports they bind to, because by nature client connections are typically transient, while servers tend to run for long periods of time, often as long as the physical machine runs. A long-running process has a better claim on a particular port than a transient one, since if it fails to acquire access to that port, the system administrator is far more likely to figure out the problem. A program that’s expected to always run will fail to start, and it is likely to fail again if you reboot the server because the conflicting program will grab the same port again itself. If there’s a port conflict in a client, it likely won’t happen every time, and even if it does, it only happens when the client runs. It is therefore much trickier to debug.

For another reason it’s bad to bind to a particular port in a client, consider a web browser. They typically create several connections to download a single web page, one each to fetch all of the individual pieces of the page: images, applets, sound clips, etc. Often it has multiple connections open to a single server so the downloads can proceed in parallel. If a web browser were to bind to a particular local port, this wouldn’t work. They could only have one connection going at a time, or depending on how it’s done, even just one instance of the web browser prgoram running at a time.

On top of all that, there’s another problem. When you close a TCP connection, it goes into the TIME_WAIT state for a short period (between 30 and 120 seconds, typically), during which you cannot reuse that connection’s “5-tuple:” the combination of {local host, local port, remote host, remote port, transport protocol}. (This timeout period is a feature of all correctly-written TCP/IP stacks, and is covered in RFC 793 and especially RFC 1122.) In practical terms, this means that if you bind to a specific port all the time, you cannot connect to the same host using the same remote port until the TIME_WAIT period expires. I have personally seen anomalous cases where the TIME_WAIT period does not occur, but when this happens, it’s a bug in the stack, not something you should count on.

For more on this matter, see the Lame List.

4.14 - What is the connection backlog?

When a connection request comes into a network stack, it first checks to see if any program is listening on the requested port. If so, the stack replies to the remote peer, completing the connection. The stack stores the connection information in a queue called the connection backlog. (When there are connections in the backlog, the accept() call simply causes the stack to remove the oldest connection from the connection backlog and return a socket for it.)

One of the parameters to the listen() call sets the size of the connection backlog for a particular socket. When the backlog fills up, the stack begins rejecting connection attempts.

Rejecting connections is a good thing if your program is written to accept new connections as fast as it reasonably can. If the backlog fills up despite your program’s best efforts, it means your server has hit its load limit. If the stack were to accept more connections, your program wouldn’t be able to handle them as well as it should, so the client will think your server is hanging. At least if the connection is rejected, the client will know the server is too busy and will try again later.

The proper value for listen()’s backlog parameter depends on how many connections you expect to see in the time between accept() calls. Let’s say you expect an average of 1000 connections per second, with a burst value of 3000 connections per second. (I picked these values because they’re easy to manipulate, not because they’re representative of the real world!) To handle the burst load with a short connection backlog, your server’s time between accept() calls must be under 0.3 milliseconds. Let’s say you’ve measured your time-to-accept under load, and it’s 0.8 milliseconds: fast enough to handle the normal load, but too slow to handle your burst value. In this case, you could make backlog relatively large to let the stack queue up connections under burst conditions. Assuming that these bursts are short, your program will quickly catch up and clear out the connection backlog.

The traditional value for listen()’s backlog parameter is 5. This is actually the limit on the home and workstation class versions of Windows. On Windows Server, the maximum connection backlog size is 200, unless the dynamic backlog feature is enabled. (More info on dynamic backlogs below.) Because the stack will use its maximum backlog value if you pass in a larger value, you can pass a special constant, SOMAXCONN, to listen() which tells it to use whatever the platform maximum is, since the constant’s value is 0x7FFFFFFF. There is no standard way to find out what backlog value the stack chose to use if it overrides your requested value.

If your program is quick about calling accept(), low backlog limits are not normally a problem. However, it does mean that concerted attempts to make lots of connections in a short period of time can fill the backlog queue. This makes non-Server flavors of Windows a bad choice for a high-load server: either a legitimate load or a SYN flood attack can overload a server on such a platform. (See below for more on SYN attacks.)

Beware that large backlogs make SYN flood attacks much more, shall we say, effective. When Winsock creates the backlog queue, it starts small and grows as required. Since the backlog queue is in non-pageable system memory, a SYN flood can cause the queue to eat a lot of this precious memory resource.

After the first SYN flood attacks in 1996, Microsoft added a feature to Windows NT 4.0 SP3 called the “dynamic backlog.” This feature is normally off for backwards compatibility, but when you turn it on, the stack can increase or decrease the size of the connection backlog in response to network conditions. (It can even increase the backlog beyond the normal maximum of 200, in order to soak up malicious SYNs.) The Microsoft Knowledge Base article that describes the feature also has some good practical discussion about connection backlogs.

You will note that SYN attacks are dangerous for systems with both very short and very long backlog queues. The point is that a middle ground is the best course if you expect your server to withstand SYN attacks. Either use Microsoft’s dynamic backlog feature, or pick a value somewhere in the 20-200 range and tune it as required.

A program can rely too much on the backlog feature. Consider a single-threaded blocking server: the design means it can only handle one connection at a time. However, it can set up a large backlog, making the stack accept and hold connections until the program gets around to handling the next one. (See this example to see the technique at work.) You should not take advantage of the feature this way unless your connection rate is very low and the connection times are very short. (Pedagogues excepted. Everyone else designing such a program should probably use 1, 0, or even close the listening socket while there is a client connected.)

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