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  1. The key to owning your notes is posting them with permalinks using a domain name you control. That’s it.

    There are many providers, like, that happily enable using your own domain name for everything you post.

    This gives you the ability to change your provider, while preserving your post permalinks. From the web’s perspective, your posts work just as they did before.

    You are in control.

    This is day 2 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100Days #IndieWeb.

    ← Day 1:
    → Day 3:

  2. “incredibly dev-centered” is a valid criticism, and yes we need to make POSSE work in a simple & predictable way for everyone.

    The key way to use to make things “truly yours” is to do so with your own domain. Then you own all the permalinks, and can migrate to another provider or CMS while preserving your permalinks.

  3., good questions to ask when considering a “provider” (of any sort). is a paid service (~$5/mo last I checked), while Tumblr is not. is more like a professional storage service, with a similar relationship and incentives, rather than a neighborhood garage which depends more on the whims and available time & interest of the admin.

    I personally agree with “spinning up your own CMS” for a variety of semi-obvious reasons, however, that requires a web development skillset (and perhaps time & patience) that few have or have cultivated. Hence a turn-key for-pay service (with tons of export options at sign-up time) may help many more to join and interact peer-to-peer with other #IndieWeb sites.

  4., thanks for the kind words! Big believer in walking the talk, and the persuasive power of live examples.

    That’s a fine 2023 commitment! If you’d like, drop by and feel free to share your thoughts-in-progress on how to own and publish your content (on your own domain).

  5. (@bpedro), thanks for the boost!

    Which tool or service are you using to cross-post from Mastodon to Twitter (as a tweetstorm for longer posts no less)?

    I’d like to find a way for a POSSE of a Mastodon boost to discover the corresponding POSSE tweet, and retweet that rather than re-posting the original post as a tweetstorm.

    Also curious how your system came up with “” as I’ve never used that @-@, and my site is setup to show “” as its @-@ address.

  6., thanks for the RT/boost. Am curious how you happened upon the POSSE tweet copy presumably first, rather than the original which should be natively visible on the “fediverse” (like this reply), perhaps by copy/pasting that URL into a Mastodon search box.

    Hoping to find ways to improve original post discovery, so tools can (semi-)automatically convert such POSSE links to original post permalinks when sharing/replying/reposting etc.
