high resolution model was made for use especially inside difficult scenes as shown on preview renders. native format is cinema 4d, model can use hypernurbs subdivision. other formats are exported in two different resolutions. one uncollapsed but still useful for low resolution rendering and another one collapsed at subdivision level 1. this can be further subdivided for closeup stills or animations too. exported formats 3ds, max, fbx and obj are prepared well to work correctly with every standard modeling software such as maya, lightwave etc... using fbx file for import is strongly recommended, because it preserves basic material properties, objects hierarchy, uvw coordinates and quad geometry. 3ds format preserves basic material properties, hierarchy and uvw coordinates, but all geometry is triangular. max format includes hierarchy, quad geometry, turbosmooth and standard materials. obj format preserves only quad geometry and uvw coordinates. jointed or rigged model means hierarchy of parents and children objects ready to animate manually or using any car animation plugin. all mesh parts separated by material are jointed under one empty (no polygons) object used as their pivot. all materials, textures and objects are sorted well to make your own materials for special renderers. only native c4d version has some special following features. it is animated using xpresso, working smooth also with motion blur. model in c4d format includes exterior and interior lighting, automatic reverse and brake lights. textures are included with all files, main texture's size is 3072x3072 pixels split onto these channels - xxx_tex.jpg (diffuse color), xxx_bum.jpg (bump), xxx_spe.jpg (specular color and intensity), xxx_ref.jpg (reflectance intensity). c4d version comes with standard and vray materials. previews were rendered using cinema 4d 11.5 ar3. model scale is millimeters. environment scene where the car is placed is not included! this model was created, saved and exported from cinema 4d 11.5 with ar3 without any external plugin data. compatibility level with other versions may be restricted due to changes in versions of software. Print Ready: No
Need more formats? If you need a different format, please send us a Conversion Request. We can convert 3D models to: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. We do not convert 3d scenes and solid formats such as .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt etc!
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One native app, web app, or game downloaded or sold times, physical or digital end products
250 000
Use in a single (free and paid) end product
(more than one end user allowed)
Royalty-Free Usage
The Extended License for an item is two (2) times as expensive as the Basic License for the same item. For example, if you can obtain some 3D model under a Basic License for $20, the same model under an Extended License will cost you $40.
You cannot redistribute or resell items purchased under any type of license (Basic or Extended), whether separately or included in some kind of collection of 3D model resources. Read more
Yes, If the model is under Royalty Free license , you can use it as long as it is incorporated into the product and as long as the 3rd party cannot retrieve it on its own in both digital and physical form.
No AI Training License
Licenses marked with the "no AI" designation do not grant permission for utilizing the product in tasks related to machine learning or the training of neural network models, including generative AI models.
These conditions terms specified by arkviz for the continental mark iv 1974. Read more
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