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寻找家教补习老师 Find Tutor
请提供以下资料,我们会尽快为您找到适合的老师。如有特别要求,别忘了列明,谢谢。Please provide the following information and we will find a suitable tutor for you as soon as possible. If you have any special requirements, don't forget to list them out, thank you.
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* Indicates required question
家长姓名 Parent's name
Your answer
电话号码 Phone number
Your answer
电邮 Email
Your answer
上门补习地址 Address
Your answer
补习地区 Area
如:八打灵、梳邦再也,等等 Such as Petaling Jaya, Subang, etc
Your answer
州属 State
玻璃市 Perlis
吉打 Kedah
槟城 Penang
霹雳 Perak
吉兰丹 Kelantan
登嘉楼 Terengganu
彭亨 Pahang
雪兰莪 Selangor
吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
森美兰 Negeri Sembilan
马六甲 Melaka
柔佛 Johor
沙巴 Sabah
砂拉越 Sarawak
学生程度 Student Standard
学前班 Pre-school
小学 Primary School
中学 Secondary School(PT3)
中学 Secondary School(SPM)
IGCSE / O-Level
STPM / A-Level
独中统考 CIS
学生年级 Student year
如:五年级、Form 1,独中初二,等等 Such as Standard 5, Form 1, etc
Your answer
需要补习的科目 Subjects
如:科学,数学,等等 Such as Mathematics, Science, etc
Your answer
一星期总共多少堂课 Total number of classes per week
Your answer
请注明上课时间 Preferred time
如:星期三和星期五,下午四点至五点半 E.g. Wednesday and Friday, 4pm to 5:30pm
Your answer
想要什么时候开始上课?Preferred classes to start in
越快越好 As soon as possible
两个星期内 Within 2 weeks
一个月内 Within a month
无所谓 Doesn't matter
是否接受网络教学?Would you prefer online tutor?
只要网络教学 Yes, interested in online tutor ONLY
可以考虑网络教学 Don't mind to try
只要上门教学,不考虑网络 No, prefer home tutor ONLY
其他要求或问题 Any other request or question?
如:一对一或一对多、学费、老师,等等 Such as 1 to 1 or small group, budget, teacher, etc
Your answer
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