Simple Past and Past Continuous in German

Simple Past and Past Continuous in German. Specifically, when discussing the past, the Simple Past and the Past Continuous tenses are central in distinguishing past occurrences. This article aims to explore these two tenses, highlighting their differences and illustrating how to aptly employ them in English sentences.


Explanation about Simple Past and Past Continuous in German

Simple Past (Präteritum): Das Präteritum, oft auch als Imperfekt bezeichnet, wird in der deutschen Sprache hauptsächlich für schriftliche Erzählungen oder in der gehobenen Sprache verwendet. Es beschreibt abgeschlossene Handlungen in der Vergangenheit.


  • Er arbeitete den ganzen Tag. (He worked all day.)

Past Continuous (Im Englischen – nicht direkt vergleichbar mit einer deutschen Zeitform): Das Past Continuous im Englischen beschreibt eine Handlung, die in der Vergangenheit begann und während eines bestimmten Zeitraums andauerte. Es hat keine direkte Entsprechung in der deutschen Grammatik, aber manchmal wird es mit dem Präsens und einer Zeitangabe wiedergegeben.

Englisches Beispiel:

  • He was working when she called. Deutsche mögliche Übersetzung:
  • Er arbeitete (gerade), als sie anrief.

Examples for using Simple Past and Past Continuous in German

English German Equivalent Translation
She wrote a letter. (Simple Past) [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Sie schrieb einen Brief. (Präteritum)[/responsivevoice] She wrote a letter.
She was writing a letter. (Past Continuous) [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Sie schrieb gerade einen Brief. (Präteritum + adverb)[/responsivevoice] She was (just) writing a letter.
They played football. (Simple Past) [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Sie spielten Fußball. (Präteritum)[/responsivevoice] They played football.
They were playing football. (Past Continuous) [responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Sie spielten gerade Fußball. (Präteritum + adverb)[/responsivevoice] They were (just) playing football.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances between the Simple Past and the Past Continuous is pivotal for comprehending events and contexts that transpired in the past. While the Simple Past pinpoints a specific event that took place and concluded in the past, the Past Continuous depicts an action that was ongoing for a particular span of time.