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Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019 Athens, Greece

There are several ways that students may receive financial support.

PAC Travel Grants

The ACM SIGPLAN PAC Funds support travel, accommodation and registration for students who have a paper at SPLASH. See the SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee page for more information and deadlines.

Student Volunteers

The student volunteer program is a chance for students from around the world to participate in the conferences whilst assisting us in preparing and running the event. In return, student volunteers receive free registration and access to all sessions. See the Student Volunteer page for more information. The first deadline for application is August 1st with a second deadline on September 15th.

Student Research Competition (SRC)

The deadline for submission is July 12th.
Apply here

Programing Language Mentoring Workshop (PLMW)

The Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop is aimed at advanced undergraduates and Master students. The workshop aims to attract students to research careers, to de-mystify the graduate school experience, and offer first-hand perspectives on graduate study from recent Ph.D. graduates, young scholars, and senior researchers. A limited amount of travel funding is available to support some student participants. See the PLMW page for application instructions,

Shared Rooms

If you wish to share a room with a student attendee at the conference or another property, consider using ConferenceShare.

Other Events

Other events students can submit papers to: