What's After Boot™ Community
Facebook group members will now have "a Place to Connect & Share®" while their Marines are at School of Infantry (SOI). This is another way to bond with other Marine parents, family members, and friends. We encourage you to join your Marine's SOI Group to meet up with other Marine family members. Semper Family!
To join your Official MarineParents.com Marine Corps SOI Group, you will need to select either Marine Combat Training (MCT) or Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) depending on your Marine's Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). It can be confusing to understand where your Marine is headed next. For help with this, please join our WAB group and a volunteer will assist you.
Click the links below to join these groups:
- What's After Boot? (WAB)
Need help figuring out where to go after boot camp? Start with our What's After Boot Group. - SOI ITB East
Parris Island boot camp graduates who are 03xx MOS Marines (infantry and weapons MOS) - SOI ITB West
For 03xx MOS Marines who graduated boot camp at San Diego - SOI MCT East
For all other MOS Marines who graduated boot camp at Parris Island - SOI MCT West
For all other MOS Marines who graduated boot camp at San Diego - Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)
For Marines currently attending MOS school
Alternatively, see the WAB HOME PAGE for acronyms and definitions that may help you make the determination on your own. Either way, join a group and we'll get you pointed in the right direction.
Reviewed by CH