Platinum Games, the critically acclaimed studio behind the spectacular Bayonetta series, posted a tweet featuring iconic Metroid heroine Samus Aran, sporting her shiny suit.
"I'll have an Energy Tank - shaken, not stirred."
— PlatinumGames Inc. (@platinumgames) May 17, 2015
This could not be a mere coincidence. It definitely hints at something, which could either be that something Metroid related is coming at E3 2015 next month, either by Platinum Games themselves or by Retro Studios.
While Platinum Games is mostly known for its third person action games, Retro Studios have developed the amazing Metroid Prime trilogy. From what we have been experiencing so far the first person perspective fit the Metroid franchise incredibly well, resulting in some of the best adventures of the series so far. Retro has also worked on the Donkey Kong Returns and Tropical Freeze games and those were certainly two great games, so a 2D Metroid from Retro could also be welcome.
Platinum Games' trademark third person action could be appropriate, and we could have a Metroid action adventure more in line with the Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania Lords of Shadow series, which could be quite ideal.
Considering that Nintendo is having a press conference at E3 2015 next month, and with The Legend of Zelda making no appearance at the show, a new Metroid title could be what Nintendo needs to spark some excitement from the fans.
We will bring you any news on Metroid and Platinum Games, as well as E3 2015 as soon as it becomes available.