The RA SHIELD was released by Wave Genome LLC to help its clients restore the Wave Optics of chromosomes under the condition of the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic. SARS-Cov-19 has the artificial HIV inserts, so that the HIV retrovirus has now become airborne. HIV retrovirus, alike the spirochete bacteria causing the Lyme disease, are considered to be incurable. SARS-Cov-19 as the airborne HIV retrovirus constitutes great danger since (1) its risk lies not in the short-term pandemic with high mortality, but in the slow shut-down of the structural genes across the wide human populations via the recombinant RNA of the retrovirus, causing the slow degeneration with the resultant sterilization of human populations; (2) the airborne HIV can spread over the borders and to any rank of society, demobilizing the working force, the elites, government, army, and intelligence; (3) no immunity is produced by the human body, and, so, no vaccine can be provided by FDA due to the nature of SARS-Cov-19 as the airborne HIV retrovirus. The pandemic of SARS-CoV-19 will end up not in the elimination and control of the infection, but in the mutation of the virus, so that it will weaken and become less noticeable in the public eye, though preserving all its disastrous impact on human genome. Since no immunity is formed, any attempt at vaccine will be the spread of the virus, instead of its elimination. This is besides the factor of the seasonal mutations of the virus, which makes any vaccine obsolete with a new flu season. The RA SHIELD by Wave Genome LLC addresses these risks, offering the personalized on-the-spot treatment of client’s Wave Optics of chromosomes.
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE RA SHIELD The RA SHIELD device, hereinafter referred to as the device, is intended for restoring the Wave Optics in chromosomes during cell division via the technology of Bioholography. The technology of Bioholography is based upon Dr. Irene Caesar’s fundamental theory of Wave Optics in Chromosomes (1985-2014). The device produces Bioholograms for the Bioholographic treatment. Client is able to create his/her own Personalized Bioholographic Pharmacies in the privacy of their homes. For personalization of Bioholographic drugs, client uses his/her brain output (via electrode) and biological material (saliva, mucus, blood, urine, etc.). Client can modulate his/her own Biohologram with any Biomodulator, e.g., the immunomodulator. The RA SHIELD produces a Biohologram via the generator of the form, which creates the scalar wave when the trigger of the certain signal is present, which is impulse, coherent (with the stable frequency), and having the low-high range of frequencies. The generator of the form provides the reflection of the wave back upon itself. The scalar wave is created by the superposition of the two waves-components of the original trigger-wave in the opposite phases. These two components of the scalar wave are described as an Object Beam and a Reference Beam modulated by the Refraction Code of Object’s Modulating Wave. The RA SHIELD uses the three-level mechanism for creating a Biohologram. The first-level is the electro-magnetic induction method for transferring the electric potential into the magnetic potential. The second level is the generator of the scalar waves as the electret-based chip produced as a microprocessor. And the third level is the multi-step repetition of the two modes of involution of the resultant signal for increasing the density of the scalar wave diffraction grating for the sake of the more precision of Refraction towards the Zero Center / Focus of client’s Biohologram. Client can initiate the third level him/herself. The produced Bioholograms are intended for the use (1) via electrodes directly onto the skull; and (2) via recording the Biohologram onto the various media, including in big quantities. Client increases the density of the scalar wave diffraction grating due to the needs of his/her health condition. 3. THEORY BEHIND THE RA SHIELD Dr. Irene Caesar had developed her fundamental theory of Wave Optics in Chromosomes (2010-2014) based upon her theory of Wave Crystals or the wave crystal media (© Dr. Irene Caesar - Wave Crystallography, 1985). During cell division, the Chromatin forms two chromatids. And two chromatids form an x-shaped chromosome. So, the liquid crystal media of your body literally crystallizes during cell division. The universe is 93% energy, and only 7% particles, which are also only the concentrated energy. So, the wave crystallization comes first, and, then, the crystallization of the liquid crystal media of our bodies (we are water for 95%). Wave crystal media demonstrates the same structure as solid crystals, and is characterized by the fractal centering and focusing of the systematic whole, based upon the Wave Optics within the scalar wave diffraction grating. Thus, treatment should be based upon addressing the 93% wave nature of the living matter. For example, the electronic microscopy demonstrates that RNA is the nonlocal torsion splashes simultaneously lighting up around the cell. Since RNA infections are the wave forms of life for 93%, and the biochemical matter only for 7%, it is possible to fight against the RNA viral infections, like SARS-Cov-19, only via Wave Genome’s LLC technology of Bioholography, based upon Dr. Irene Caesar’s fundamental theory of Wave Optics in chromosomes. It is precisely because retroviruses are the nonlocal simultaneous wave forms within the cell, the human immune system has difficulty in localizing them, and building the defense. The immune system responds with the inadequate response, attacking client’s own bodily organs and physiological systems, causing organ failure, and death from the autoimmune disease. That is why, the Hydroxychloroquine is used for the SARS-Cov-19 cases, since the Hydroxychloroquine is an immune modulator used for the autoimmune diseases, like AIDS and Rheumatoid Arthritis. But the Hydroxychloroquine does not treat the virus itself, and its side effect is the total suppression and the resultant failure of the immune system. Therefore, the Hydroxychloroquine should not be in any case considered as a treatment (and, of course, not a cure) for the SARS-Cov-19. All dysfunctions and diseases are caused by the destruction of Wave Optics in chromosomes (transposition, deletion, etc., as the structural defects of chromosomes) -- failure in centering and focusing of Wave Crystals (wave crystal media). The same gene gets expressed in the functional individuals and species by the metacentric chromosome, which is analogous to a well-centered and well-focused eye. And the same gene gets expressed in the dysfunctional individuals and species by the acrocentric chromosome, which is analogous to a near-sighted or far-sighted eye, out of focus. The RA SHIELD by Wave Genome LLC creates Wave Lenses that assist your chromosomes in crystallization, so that you get your Wave Matrix / Biohologram most centered and most focused. The Holographic Principle states that the Universe is entirely in its every Matrix Point. This means that every Wave Matrix / Biohologram has the infinite number of waves, particles and fields, i.e., it is nonlocal in the Quantum Biononlocality. Therefore, it is impossible to correct and enhance the functionality of chromosomes just by one frequency or the set of frequencies. So, the Digital Homeopathy with its simple inversion of the signal, recorded from the client, is insufficient for the treatment. The implication of the Holographic Principle (© Dr. Irene Caesar, 2012) states that, if the Universe is entirely in its every Matrix Point, then, every Matrix Point is not simply different from any other Matrix Point, but is unique. Every Matrix has its own Wave Optics with its own unique Refraction Code. Wave Matrices / Bioholograms differ from each other by one’s own unique Refraction Code towards one and only Zero Center / Focus, shared by all the Wave Matrices from galaxy to chromosome. This means that any treatment should be personalized. The treatment should be based upon the procedure of extracting client’s own biological material (blood, saliva, mucus, urine, etc.) and subjecting it to the protocol of Bioholography for correcting client’s Wave Optics in chromosomes. Biohologram is not “an image”, but the structural nature of the signal. To correct the structural abnormalities in chromosomes on the biochemical level, we need to correct the structural abnormalities in client’s Wave Optics of chromosomes. Wave Genome LLC is the first biotechnology company in the world to encode the electret-based chips (“Psi-generators”) with client’s unique Biohologram (Refraction Code of Wave Optics) via laser on nanolevel, recorded from client’s childhood or adult photograph; and from client’s biomaterial. Wave Genome LLC is the first biotechnology company in the world to create the Bioholographic Stem Cell treatment, based upon client’s own stem cells extracted from client’s epithelial cells, in collaboration with the Bauman Russian State Technology University in Moscow, the largest and most important science University in Russia, of MIT level. The protocol of the Bioholography consists of three stages. The first stage is for the neutralizing all the external linear signals via reflecting them back upon themselves (inverting) within the scalar wave. Scalar wave annuls any external linear signal, when the peak of the forward-going wave is nullified by the trough of the same wave reflected back upon itself. The second stage is the creation of the scalar wave diffraction grating (wave media crystallization), and the emergence of Refraction, so that the next external linear signal is refracted towards the Zero Center / Focus of the emerged Wave Crystal (wave crystal media). And the third stage is the scaling of Refraction, so that every segment of the scalar wave diffraction grating becomes itself the scalar wave, from the bodily organ level, to the cellular level, to the molecular level, to the atomic level, and to the subatomic levels, ad infinitum. The Zero Center / Focus of the Wave Crystal is the access to the Quantum Biononlocality. Every Biohologram is unique and nonlocal, and has its own Refraction Code for accessing the Quantum Biononlocality. Disease is the loss of client’s access to the Quantum Biononlocality. Treatment should consist in deciphering client’s unique Refraction Code of his/her nonlocal Wave Optics (from direct recording the wave activity of the brain; from client’s childhood photograph; from client’s preserved placenta, etc.), then, in enhancing client’s Refraction Code via the scalar waves, and, finally, in applying client’s enhanced Refraction Code in treatment. Since the universe is holographic, the signals, that are not holographic, are harmful to us. Especially harmful are the one-strand spiral antenna wave forms of viruses and bacteria, like spirochete bacteria that causes Lyme disease, and retroviruses, like HIV, which causes AIDS. There are no vaccines possible for these viruses and bacteria, and diseases caused by them are considered to be incurable due to the fact that they are simply the antenna-plug-ins of the nonlocal planetary wave forms of life. Viruses and bacteria are the binary biological matter, meaning that viruses (microphages) and bacteria are coupled in ecosphere, with their genes interchanged (genetic mosaicism). Therefore, in the ecosphere, as a whole, they exist as the planetary scalar wave, but in our bodies, they manifest themselves as the linear signal plug-ins. It is possible to counter these wave plug-ins only via the Scalar Wave Inversion and Refraction in Bioholography. The process of the Bioholography is initiated by the scalar wave created by an Object Beam and a Reference Beam modulated by the Refraction Code of Object’s Modulating Wave. Further on, the process of the Bioholography allows for adding more wave modulations, as the additional Refraction Codes, e.g., the immunomodulators. Bioholograms can be recorded (and, then, transferred) in any spectrum of the electro-magnetic range via recreating the Refraction Code of object’s Wave Optics. The Bioholographic treatment is in principle nonlocal at the close and long range through the Quantum Biononlocality. |
Technology of Bioholography is based upon the Refraction Codes in the scalar wave diffraction grating. Let us analyze the three stages of the Bioholography in detail. At the first stage of restoring client’s Wave Optics in chromosomes, the RA SHIELD creates the scalar wave to nullify the external linear signals, alien to client’s intrinsic Wave Optics calibrated to precision. In the scalar wave, the peak of the forward-going wave is annulled by the trough of the same wave when it is reflected back upon itself. Specifically, the RA SHIELD is capable to nullify, via the scalar wave, the one-strand spiral antenna wave forms of viruses and bacteria, which are otherwise considered to be incurable.
The device uses the new technology of the scalar inversion, i.e., the electret-based generator of the scalar waves (patented), which provides the more efficient scalar wave diffraction grating. Being a microprocessor, this generator of the scalar waves gets directly and faster to the micro cellular and molecular levels, than any induction coil generator. As a result, the RA SHIELD creates the much more dense scalar wave diffraction grating, and, thus, the much more precise refraction of Wave Optics. The main problem with the Digital Homeopathy and its protocol of inversion lies in its inability to sustain the coherence of the signal (stable frequency) for creating the stable scalar wave diffraction grating. That is why, the Digital Homeopathy, either via shaking, or via the induction coil inversion, cannot provide the sizeable and scalable results.
Via the mechanism of scalar waves, the External Linear Signals are transformed in our bodies into our unique Holographic Signals. Our metabolism and cell division are running on the constant transformation back and forth between the single-strand torsion-shaped Linear Signals and the double-strand torsion-shaped Holographic Signals. These two kinds of signals are produced by the bioantennas of the different form: the single-strand spiral antenna of RNA and the double-strand spiral antennae of DNA. These two kinds of antennas have different mechanisms of receiving and transmitting the signals.
The single-strand antenna of RNA operates based upon the mechanism of destructive and constructive wave interference. Destructive interference leads to nullifying the signal in the scalar wave, and, so, to the transformation of RNA into DNA (transcription). Constructive interference, when the same wave is overlaid with itself, increases the amplitude of this wave, leading, for example, to infection in the case of SARS-Cov-19.
DNA, as the double-strand antenna, is a paradigmatic scalar wave: in DNA, one strand has signal going in one direction, and the second strand has signal going in the opposite direction, thus, creating the scalar wave. Thus, DNA is protected by its scalar wave against the external Linear Signals, specifically, of the single-strand spiral antenna wave forms of retroviruses and spirochete bacteria. Failure of DNA in protecting itself against such viruses and bacteria is caused by the structural defects of chromosomes. Restoration of DNA is possible only via the restoration of the Wave Optics in chromosomes.
DNA operates based upon the Wave Optics, as the scalar wave diffraction grating, which is a certain wave crystal media, aka “Wave Crystal”. The Wave Crystal of DNA receives and transmits information through its Zero Center / Focus. This information is received from the Quantum Biononlocality, or the Zero Field.
The Scalar Principle is not understood by the leading companies in biotechnology. For example, Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc., backed by Bill Gates, had created «Cellectra», the device for the SARS-CoV-19 «vaccine». Its design is wrong and destructive. It is analogous to electrophoresis used for destroying DNA for making GMO (sterile biological organisms). The machine consists of two electrodes for one-way induced electrical current. In principle, there should be FOUR electrodes. And the two anti-parallel currents in a scalar way, or the other way for inverting the signal of the virus. It should be even better if electrodes will be shaped as induction coils. The harm from using the “Cellectra” will be bigger than from the SARS-CoV-19 itself.
At the second stage, the device creates a Biohologram or a “Wave Lens” (scalar wave diffraction grating), which is beneficial on its own, for centering and focusing our chromosomes during cell division.
At the third stage, the device modulates the emerged Wave Crystal (wave crystal lens) with the desirable modulations (Refraction Codes), e.g., an immunomodulator.
The RA SHIELD creates and transfers the Bioholograms.
The RA SHIELD creates and transfers client’s Biohologram from the direct brain output; from the bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, urine, blood, placenta, etc.); from the digital input.
The RA SHIELD creates and transfers the Bioholograms of drugs to various carriers: water, alcohol, saline, sugar, etc., which are later used instead of the original drugs.
The RA SHIELD creates and transfers the Bioholograms via an attached electrode, including directly to the brain, and to water in large quantities.
The RA SHIELD uses the direct scalar inversion, and involuted scalar inversion (double, triple, etc., inversion), applied in stages and degrees.
The Potency of the Biohologram is defined by the density of its scalar wave diffraction grating. The increased Bioholographic Potency is achieved by the increase of degrees in the direct and the involuted scalar inversion.
The value of the Bioholographic Potency is indicated in decimal: D1, D2, D3, ... or hundredth: C1, C2, SZ, ... system. The corresponding value shows the degree of the scalar inversion, i.e., the number of the direct scalar inversions and the involuted scalar inversions, which must be made at each stage of producing the Biohologram.
For simplicity, the mode of the direct scalar inversion is called “without inversion”. And the mode of the involuted scalar inversion is called “with inversion”. For clarification, the direct scalar inversion can be compared to the induction coil with one strand, which makes turns for 180 grades thus reflecting the trigger-wave back upon itself. And the involuted scalar inversion can be compared to the double-wired induction coil, and the induction coil with the antiparallel wiring.
The RA SHIELD offers a completely new model of treatment: instead of stockpiling the substances, the client can produce and scale any treatment from the preparation of certain potency. This is specifically important in the times of shortages in the wellness substances during pandemics.
The device is produced in a rectangular small-sized plastic case, inside of which there are the electronic components that produce and transfer the Biohologram; the timer; the triggering and enhancing signal for creating the scalar wave diffraction grating; the electret-based generator of the scalar waves; and a power source.
The interface of the device has the following components:
The RA SHIELD uses the AA batteries as its power source.
To replace the battery, open the device case by unscrewing the fixing screw and insert the battery observing its polarity.
1. The device “RA SHIELD” ................................ 1 piece.
2. Electrode for recording onto liquid ................... 1 piece.
The manufacturer guarantees the operational characteristics of the device for 6 months from the date of purchase, subject to non-violation of the exploitation rules.
1. Button for changing the scalar wave trigger-signal. 2. The knob for adjusting the potency of the Bioholographic preparations when it is recorded onto the “receiver” cup. 3. A cup for placing the "source" of information (substances), from which information is transferred. 4. A socket for connecting an electrode used for recording onto liquids in large (up to 100 ml) quantities, with inversion. 5. A cup for placing the substances (water, sugar, alcohol, saline, etc.), onto which information is transferred with inversion. 6. A cup for placing the substances (water, sugar, alcohol, saline, etc.), onto which information is transferred without inversion. 7. Socket for connecting an electrode used for recording onto liquids in large (up to 100 ml) quantities without inversion. 8. A socket for connecting a “source” of information (liquids located in large [up to 100 ml] vessels, medical cartridges with the Bioholographic preparations, etc.), from which information is transferred. 9. The reset button (erase) of the information stored in the device from the previous substance. 10. Button to start the procedure for recording the information. 7. ORDER OF WORK WITH THE DEVICE FOR PRODUCING THE BIOHOLOGRAPHIC PREPARATIONS 1. Prepare the workplace, ensuring maximum cleanliness: remove other devices and disturbing substances that can lead to distortion of the recording process - sources of electromagnetic radiation (television sets, VHF transmitting equipment, satellite receiving equipment, etc.), active solvents, esters, acetones, gasolines, etc. 2. Place the source (substance), from which information is transferred, to cup 3 or connect the source of information to socket 8. 3. Place the carrier (substance) onto which the information is transferred, onto the cup 6. Liquefy the carrier or moisten it with 30% alcohol solution or vodka. For liquid carriers (distillate water, alcohol, saline, etc.), a cylindrical vessel of appropriate sizes (for example, a burette) is used, which is placed on the cup 6. When using water as a carrier, it is desirable to prepare it in a special way for recording by irradiation with laser, ultraviolet light, etc. When recording to liquids placed in large (up to 100 ml) vessels, the latter are connected using a special electrode to socket 7. To obtain an inverse recording of the substance, it is necessary to use a cup 5 for solid substances, and socket 4 for liquid substances. 4. To carry out the process of transferring information, press the 10 button twice. The recording process occurs during the two-time sounding of the triggering signal, and stops automatically after the last sound. 5. After completing the recording process, first remove the “copy” from cup 6, and then the “original” from cup 3. 6. In subsequent recording of substances, the information is saved by the device. To erase the information, and restart the process, press the reset button 9. Note: Consume the Bioholographic Preparations three times a day half an hour before the food intake. 8. ORDER OF WORK WITH THE DEVICE FOR PRODUCING THE BIOHOLOGRAPHIC PREPARATIONS USING CLIENT’S BIOMATERIAL STEP ONE: Recording the information of the therapeutic substance onto the carrier. Perform the steps in Section 7. STEP TWO: Recording client’s Refraction Code onto the carrier. 1. Continue in the same workplace and with the same carrier. 2. Place the source (substance, i.e., client’s saliva, mucus, blood, urine, placenta, etc.), from which information is transferred, to cup 3 or connect the source of information to socket 8 (electrode connected to client’s skull). 3. Place the carrier (substance) onto which the information is transferred, onto the cup 6. Liquefy the carrier or moisten it with 30% alcohol solution or vodka. For liquid carriers (distillate water, alcohol, saline, etc.), a cylindrical vessel of appropriate sizes (for example, a burette) is used, which is placed on the cup 6. When using water as a carrier, it is desirable to prepare it in a special way for recording by irradiation with laser, ultraviolet light, etc. When recording to liquids placed in large (up to 100 ml) vessels, the latter are connected using a special electrode to socket 7. To obtain an inverse recording of the substance, it is necessary to use a cup 5 for solid substances, and socket 4 for liquid substances. 4. To carry out the process of transferring information, press the 10 button twice. The recording process occurs during the two-time sounding of the triggering signal, and stops automatically after the last sound. 5. After completing the recording process, first remove the “copy” from cup 6, and then the “original” from cup 3. 6. In subsequent recording of substances, the information is saved by the device. To erase the information, and restart the process, press the reset button 9. Note: Consume the Bioholographic Preparations, modulated by your Refraction Code, three times a day half an hour before the food intake. STEP THREE: Recording client’s corrected and enhanced Refraction Code back upon client’s biomaterial. 1. Continue in the same workplace, but with the change of a carrier. Now, the carrier is client’s biomaterial. 2. Place the source (the Bioholographic Preparation), from which information is transferred, to cup 3 or connect the source of information to socket 8 (the digital input). 3. Place the carrier (substance – client’s biomaterial) onto which the information is transferred, onto the cup 6. Liquefy the carrier or moisten it with 30% alcohol solution or vodka. For liquid carriers, a cylindrical vessel of appropriate sizes (for example, a burette) is used, which is placed on the cup 6. When using bodily liquid as a carrier, it is desirable to prepare it in a special way for recording by irradiation with laser, ultraviolet light, etc. When recording to liquids placed in large (up to 100 ml) vessels, the latter are connected using a special electrode to socket 7. To obtain an inverse recording of the substance, it is necessary to use a cup 5 for solid substances, and socket 4 for liquid substances. 4. To carry out the process of transferring information, press the 10 button twice. The recording process occurs during the two-time sounding of the triggering signal, and stops automatically after the last sound. 5. After completing the recording process, first remove the “copy” from cup 6, and then the “original” from cup 3. 6. In subsequent recording of substances, the information is saved by the device. To erase the information, and restart the process, press the reset button 9. Note: Client’s biomaterial as a carrier is not consumed as a substance by the client. The Bioholographic treatment is applied remotely at the close and long range via the Quantum Biononlocality. 9. CHANGE OF POTENCY OF THE BIOHOLOGRAPHIC PREPARATIONS 1. The maximum change in potency depends on the type of substance, its place of manufacture and storage time, and can reach 200-500 times at the extreme right position of the potency adjustment knob 2 (position 10). 2. It is recommended that when recording from cup 3 to cups 5 or 6, the selection of potency is carried out according to the following procedure: -- record when the adjustment knob is in position from 9 to 10 (recording 1:1); -- test the Bioholographic Preparation; -- if it is necessary to increase the scalar inversion, you should record when the adjustment knob 2 is in the position lower than 9. 3. Table 1 shows the conversion factors and the resulting potency for the Bioholographic recording of the original substance, depending on the position of the adjustment knob 2: |
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