Wim Wiegerinck - Personal Page
- Affiliations
- SMART Research BV and SNN
- Radboud University, FSW (MKB Datalab and supervision of AI students)
- HAN University of Applied Sciences
- Address
- Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands
- Telephone
- +31 24 3615040
- Email
- w.wiegerinck
and then add @science.ru.nl
- Photo (SMART Research)
- Visit to Interpol, to install Bonaparte!
- Current interests
My main scientific interests is in
- Methods for
modeling and inference Bayesian networks
- Machine learning, Bayesian inference
- SMART-RESEARCH BV is a spin-off company for commercial applications of neural nets,
Bayesian networks and other statistical modeling and reasoning techniques. I am executive vice-director.
Currently, we are now completely focussed on Bonaparte: software for large scale DNA identification.
Check its website
- Since 2010, Bonaparte is in use at Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), e.g. it has been used/is used
- to identify victims from the Afriqiyah aircrash in Tripoli, Libya
- to identify the victims from the MH17 disaster in Ukraine.
Some coverage of Bonaparte and MH17:
and some more (all in Dutch):
- International users: Australia, Vietnam, Interpol, Spain.
For press releases, items in the news (e.g. NOS journaal item) and awards, see the Bonaparte website.
Past projects
- R4Heal: an intelligent healing environment (EFROi, Big4Data)
- Karmanline: therapeutic games (EFRO, Big4Data)
- Power network analysis using MCMC
- Prediction of individual employment potential
- Diversity prediction. How to predict what costumers will put in their baskets to have a arrangement of items. Think of e.g. a holiday where you want a nice balanced mix of time spent in a village, a festival, a nice walk in nature, beach etc. I developed a method that deals with multi-item probability distributions.
- Churn prediction (churn is when people change from telecom provider. Telecom companies want predict these risk-costumers, in order to make them a nice offer to stay. So be sure that you are a risk-costumer!!)
- Wine advice: Neural networks and machine learning applied to learn the computer a taste for wine!
- Bovinose: detecting estrus in cow using an electronic nose.
- Enose: cheap detection of tuberculosis using an electronic nose.
- Fraude detection in on-line transactions.
- Patterns in big data.
- Optimization of machine settings.
- Good old statistical analysis (consultancy based)
We are still proud of our
system for the prediction of newspaper sales, called JED, which is based on Neural Bayesian technology. It predicts
single-copy sales for individual outlets and also errorbars in this prediction. It can deal with missing values and it has
the ability that outlets learn from each other. Its main implementation has been at De TELEGRAAF, the largest Dutch newspaper. De Telegraaf saved several 100Keuros per year
by more efficient distribution of newspapers to the single-copy sales outlets.
- Bayesian networks (BayesBuilder) have been applied a.o. for a system for bearing fault analysis Application (SKF), a decision support system for geotechnical engineering (SHELL), and for victim analysis (Bonaparte, see above).
- Past scientific projects: SNN
- SUMO: climate modeling by Super Modeling. European project in collaboration with KNMI and other partners. 2010-2014. We were abels to demonstrate that quantitative improvements in climate modeling could be gained by connecting different climate models into one supermodel.
See EGU BLOG-POST. This project has a follow up:STERCP
Stochastic optimal control of multi-agent systems in continuous space and time. In our framework, we can employ
- Promedas, a medical decision support system
based on a large Bayesian network. We developed this system in collaboration
with domain experts from University Medical Center Utrecht. We managed to create
systems of about 10000 nodes. After a long pause, this workis taken up as students projects (collaboration with ErasmusUMC).
Stimulation Initiative for European Neural Applications -Here you can find a number of
successfull neural networks applications and some more info. Note: these are old pages,
and will not be not updated! In particular email adresses and links will be outdated. However, the examples on the site are still nice illustrations of neural network applications.
European projects
- Teaching:
- BKO (basis kwalificatie onderwijs) certificated by Radboud University
- BKE (basis kwalificatie examinaties) certificated by HAN (University of Applied Sciences Arnhem Nijmegen)
SNN: Foundation
for Neural Networks