This document provides a 3-step process for writing a summary:
1. Identify the topic of the text by finding the most precise word or phrase.
2. Determine the purpose of the text - whether it is to inform, express, entertain, or influence.
3. Look for separate sections and subtitles to summarize each with a single sentence to capture the main points.
Summaries should be much shorter than the original text, restating the main ideas in a few concise sentences without copying directly from the text. Direct quotes must be cited properly.
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How To Write A Summary
1. How to WRITE a Summary Created By: Mrs. Pratt 4 th Grade English/Language Arts
2. Words to Know: Text – words in the book (THE STORY) CITE - to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), esp. as an authority GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE Plagiarism - the unauthorized use or close imitation of the words and thoughts of another author (When you use someone else’s words/ work and try to pass them off as something you created.)
3. Preparation PREWRITING our SUMMARY 3 step process : Helps to organize your thoughts so that your summary is clear and accurate
4. Step 1 – TOPIC Locate the topic (word or phrase that tells what the text is about) – be as precise (clear or exact) as you can
5. Step 2 – PURPOSE What is the purpose of the text? To Inform, To Express, To Entertain, To Influence? Look back at your “AUTHOR’S PURPOSE” notes or, CLICK HERE
6. Step 3 - SECTIONS Look for the separate sections throughout your Non-Fiction Book These are also known as (aka) Subtitles You can summarize each section with only 1 sentence to get the MAJOR POINTS in the whole text
7. REMEMBER Summaries are: short restatements of a text’s main points Always MUCH shorter than the book they shorten a text’s main ideas into a few concise sentences. When writing a summary, be sure to record the text’s major ideas
8. TIPS on CITING: DO NOT copy from the text – that is plagiarism If you MUST use a phrase from the text: “ Write in quotations” (Author’s LAST NAME, p.X) Cite what page the quote came from EXAMPLE : “Sharks have been on Earth for more than 400 million years.” (Mattern, p.9)
9. CHECKLIST: Reread your text until you fully understand it. Write a one sentence restatement of the text's main idea without looking at the text. Use the text’s main idea as your summary's topic sentence. Write the summary in your own words. Avoid looking at your text while writing your summary. If you must include some of the text's original words and phrases, quote and paraphrase accurately. Document the text's author, title, date of publication and any other important citation information.
10. Think about it like this: How much of the details is important? In a summary, all you are giving the reader is the “ BARE BONES ” of the text!
11. Note: Keep these notes in the READING section of your binder ALL YEAR. If you misplace them you can visit our classroom website to make a copy of them again! Enjoy all your SUMMARIZING!