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Eagle Ford play map
A Map of Eagle Ford Shale Play
Dallas-Fort Worth Eagle Ford dip cross section
Southwest to Northeast cross section of Eagle Ford Unconformity
Detail Upper Eagle Ford Structure Map
Eagle Ford multiple target zones Austin Chalk-Upper + Lower Eagle Ford
Eagle Ford 18 month oil and condensate cums
Eagle Ford oil-condensate EUR map
Major Eagle Ford-Faults
Eagle Ford Shale Surface Faults
interval isopach Eagle Ford shale
Eagle Ford thickness and oil-gas condensate-dry gas windows
Detail Eagle Ford thickness + outcrops
Eagle Ford oil-condensate gas-gas windows
Eagle Ford Shale Oil Gravity
Eagle Ford GOR map
Eagle Ford players since 6-1-2008
Eagle Ford lease costs
Chesapeake Eagle Ford acreage map
map of Sanchez Eagle Ford acreage sold to Carrizo
NE Eagle Ford trend lease owners 11 15 2016
lateral length 2014 to 2016 Eagle Ford vs other resource plays
30 day rate 2014 to 2016 Eagle Ford vs other resource plays
proppant pounds per foot by resource play
Wood Mackenzie average millions of pounds of proppant per well for resource plays 2012-2016
Eagle Ford proppant pounds per foot vs fluid pounds per foot
Eagle Ford proppant pounds per foot vs lateral length
Eagle Ford proppant pounds per foot vs completion date 2014 to 2016
Eagle Ford frac fluid barrels per foot vs lateral length
Eagle Ford frac fluid barrels per foot vs completion date 2014 to 2016
Eagle Ford lateral length vs proppant pounds per foot by operator.
Eagle Ford west vs east MBO vs days producing 2012 to 2016 EOG
Penn Virginia slickwater Eagle Ford type curve, EUR and rate of return 11 15 2016
IPs recent Penn Virginia slickwater Eagle Ford wells 11 15 2016
ft spacing between wells by resource play
Eagle Ford play.ppt
break even oil price resource plays
mean and range in break even price various oil plays
Diamondback break even price various oil plays
breakeven price resource plays Rystad 2013 to 2016
resource play oil prod 2002 to 2016
detail resource play oil production 2007 to 2016
detail resource play oil production 2007 to 2016 without Permian
detail Eagle Ford oil production 2007 to 2016
major US resource play production per rig 2010 to 2016
SPRE + IHS US oil prod forecast by resource play to end 2018
EIA drilled uncompleted wells 2013 to 2016
resource play gas prod 2000 to 2016
New well production per rig resource plays
2014 to 2016 rig count Permian=red Eagle Ford=green TX rigs=gold Total US rigs=blue

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Eagle Ford play.ppt