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Body-Soul Dualism
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The debate
 A number of ancient thinkers have tackled the topic of
body-soul relationship, beginning with Aristotle and
 Descartes argues that the body and soul are two
distinct worlds
 Implies that a person has two distinct aspects that
correspond to two substances - the spiritual substance
(soul) and the material substance (body).
 Soul and body are two substances, each different and
independent of the other.
The debate
 In Doctrine of Ideas, Plato argues that at any time
when two objects share a common name, they equally
have a common form.
 For example, even though there are numerous brands
of tables, the form or the idea of a table is only one.
 Plato states that these are autonomous non-physical
ideas that can only be feasible to those who appreciate
the bigger picture of their purpose in the world.
The debate
 Aristotle revised Plato's Doctrine of Ideas when he
formulated the Third Man Argument.
 Plato highlighted the belief that if there is a virtual form
and an earthly form, then there is a third identical form to
make the resemblance.
 From this, Aristotle formulated his argument on essence.
 If the soul was an organ, then it could only receive specific
types of data, just like the eye can only take visual data and
the ear handles auditory data
 Since the soul has the capacity to receive and reflect on all
types of data, it cannot be a physical organ, which means
that it is immaterial.
The debate
 Descartes argues that a mind is a thinking thing that
can operate independent of the body.
 Soul is in touch with the important spirits, and it is
through this contact that the interaction between the
soul and body is created.
 Interactive causation is significant because it
highlights the fact that mental and physical events
- it also offers the implication of these interactions on
the soul-body dualism.
The debate
 Plato, a dualist proponent, argued that a person's soul and
body are two dissimilar elements which intermingle.
 The real identity of a person is inherent is his or her soul.
 The real person is completely distinct from the body
 Soul did exist before the body, and after death, the soul will
leave the body.
 Soul is perfect at all times; however, the body persistently
corrupts it.
 Human beings have the responsibility of taking care of
their soul to prevent it from becoming corrupted.
The debate
 Plato refers to the knowledge argument, which states
that within the world of changes, human beings have
certain universals that are not influenced by time and
 There has to be an inherent element within us that is
equally unaffected by change.
 Soul defines the person since it remains the same
whatever change the person undergoes.
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Body Soul Dualism

  • 2. The debate  A number of ancient thinkers have tackled the topic of body-soul relationship, beginning with Aristotle and Plato.  Descartes argues that the body and soul are two distinct worlds  Implies that a person has two distinct aspects that correspond to two substances - the spiritual substance (soul) and the material substance (body).  Soul and body are two substances, each different and independent of the other.
  • 3. The debate  In Doctrine of Ideas, Plato argues that at any time when two objects share a common name, they equally have a common form.  For example, even though there are numerous brands of tables, the form or the idea of a table is only one.  Plato states that these are autonomous non-physical ideas that can only be feasible to those who appreciate the bigger picture of their purpose in the world.
  • 4. The debate  Aristotle revised Plato's Doctrine of Ideas when he formulated the Third Man Argument.  Plato highlighted the belief that if there is a virtual form and an earthly form, then there is a third identical form to make the resemblance.  From this, Aristotle formulated his argument on essence.  If the soul was an organ, then it could only receive specific types of data, just like the eye can only take visual data and the ear handles auditory data  Since the soul has the capacity to receive and reflect on all types of data, it cannot be a physical organ, which means that it is immaterial.
  • 5. The debate  Descartes argues that a mind is a thinking thing that can operate independent of the body.  Soul is in touch with the important spirits, and it is through this contact that the interaction between the soul and body is created.  Interactive causation is significant because it highlights the fact that mental and physical events interact - it also offers the implication of these interactions on the soul-body dualism.
  • 6. The debate  Plato, a dualist proponent, argued that a person's soul and body are two dissimilar elements which intermingle.  The real identity of a person is inherent is his or her soul.  The real person is completely distinct from the body  Soul did exist before the body, and after death, the soul will leave the body.  Soul is perfect at all times; however, the body persistently corrupts it.  Human beings have the responsibility of taking care of their soul to prevent it from becoming corrupted.
  • 7. The debate  Plato refers to the knowledge argument, which states that within the world of changes, human beings have certain universals that are not influenced by time and space.  There has to be an inherent element within us that is equally unaffected by change.  Soul defines the person since it remains the same whatever change the person undergoes.
  • 8. For essays on such topics and help in custom essay writing, visit