The multi-award-winning MAST Online platform has been developed over a decade as a powerful tool to access the comprehensive RSA Data Warehouse to answer any question relating to collision and casualty data since 2008.

Your    subscription also includes:

MAST Dashboards let you:
Access a suite of regional road safety dashboards that allow users to quickly compare trends for collisions
Compare over time, by month, day of week and time of day
Focus on individual user groups such as pedestrians or cyclists
Explore the casualty home locations to see if there is a large import of casualties from other areas
Filter for crash severity and also by strategic road e.g. Highways England network
See age and gender profile for casualties

Headliners offers profiling and risk maps including:

1,230 individual reports prepared by our analytics team for GB highway authorities
Six groups profiled in each authority area
Information about residents and collisions in each area, illustrated a mixture of charts and maps
Access to background data provided for inclusion in your local documents
Three risk maps for all collisions in your area
Collision density on local roads for all collisions in your risk maps



Being a MAST member means getting access to our dedicated support team, who have decades of experience of analysing in interpreting road safety and transport data.

All MAST members can contact us via email or telephone and we will endeavour to responds as quickly as possible.

   01295 731810
     Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
In addition to one-to-one support, we also provide the following resources to enable you to get the best out of MAST:




  • Including:
  • MAST Online
  • The multi-award-winning MAST Online tool to access data on collision and casualties since 2008
  • MAST Dashboards: Regional Overviews
  • Access to a suite of regional road safety dashboards with data on multiple parameters
  • Headliners: Risk Maps
  • Three risk maps for all collisions in your area, including over 100,000 data points for the classified road network
  • Headliners: local data profiling
  • 1,230 individual reports prepared for GB highway authorities which focus on key road safety user groups
  • Support
  • From our experts with decades of experience, and our Beginners Guides, Bitesize videos and MAST Wiki
  • *Price per organisation