You teach your daughters the diameters of the planets and wonder when you are done that they do not delight in your company.
Tags: Company, Done, Wonder ✍ Author: Samuel JohnsonMany of their lodges remained as perfect as when occupied. They were made of poles two or three inches in diameter, set up in circular form, and covered with cedar bark.
Tags: Bark, Perfect, Three ✍ Author: Robert AshleySmall bodies, about half a micron in diameter, and later referred to under the name of 'mitochondria' were detected under the light microscope as early as 1894.
Tags: Light, Name, Small ✍ Author: Albert ClaudeGround-based telescopes are much larger than Hubble. Keck is four times larger than Hubble in diameter, which means that you can see four times the detail than you can see with Hubble, if you can figure out how to use these techniques.
Tags: Four, Means, Times ✍ Author: Andrea M. GhezThere is a new way with very very tiny fiber optics, which give an enormous high resolution. There are many many thousand fibers, very very close together with a very small diameter.
Tags: Give, Small, Together ✍ Author: Harry Nilsson