America's criminal justice system isn't known for rehabilitation. I'm not sure that, as a society, we are even interested in that concept anymore.
Tags: America, Justice, Society ✍ Author: Steve EarleOnce brave politicians and others explain the war on drugs' true cost, the American people will scream for a cease-fire. Bring the troops home, people will urge. Treat drugs as a health problem, not as a matter for the criminal justice system.
Tags: Health, Home, War ✍ Author: Larry ElderI want to be a figure for prison reform. I think that the criminal justice system is rotten.
Tags: Justice, Prison, System ✍ Author: Henry Louis GatesAs a former attorney general. I have the greatest respect for the criminal justice system. But it is not good at intelligence gathering.
Tags: Good, Greatest, Respect ✍ Author: Kelly AyotteI went into journalism to learn the craft of writing and to get close to the world I wanted to write about - police and criminals, the criminal justice system.
Tags: Justice, Learn, Writing ✍ Author: Michael Connelly