What Is Hip Hop?
"Brands and politicians, and their advertisers and publicists, dictate discourse in our society, but no matter how much time and money Corporate America invests in co-opting our creation, we'll always be a hundred steps and twenty styles ahead." — AWKWORD of Praverb.net and @PtheWyse [ Original full 2-Minute Read commissioned by WhatIsHipHop.com .] ***New Writing*** I answer the question: What is Hip Hop? [Short Read] http://bit.ly/AWKWORDwhatisHipHop #HipHop #realhiphop #hiphopculture #hiphopmusic #internationalhiphop #WorldView #AWKWORD #ProtestMusic #whatishiphop #hiphophead #racialfetish #AmeriKKKa #oscarssowhite #commercialization #fetishism #hiphopsavedmylife #hiphopnation #hiphopstyle #urbanandstreet #urbanculture #gentrification #writing #essay #KillerMike #feelthebern • Repost from @whatishiphop - "It's more than the culture that unites us across cities, states and now countries and continents." - @AWKWORDrap A photo posted by...