I have several questions about whether or not it would be feasible for me to get and train carting dogs and I am having a hard time finding people who can
answer my questions. I have done a lot of research and these are the only questions I have that remain unanswered.
1) How far can a dog or dog team pull a loaded cart in a day? According to Google maps my mom lives about 9 miles away from my property if using bike trails and 12 miles if using roads; I will be visiting her fairly often. Would they be able to pull, say, 100 to 120 pounds for 9 to 12 miles twice in one day? (Those numbers are the max weight I would ever need pulled. Regularly it would be about 50 to 90 pounds.) The terrain in the area is fairly flat.
2) Acquiring a dog team. My father-in-law refuses to fix his American Bulldogs (Ranging from 50 to 85 pounds depending on the mother.) which means he ends up with an unwanted litter of strong, energetic pups every other year or so. Would it be better for me to help home these pups by training them to pull carts or would I need to search animal
shelters for dogs with pulling breeds in their heritage?
3) Would I be able to ride a bicycle alongside the dog cart while they pulled? Research is a bit hazy on this one.
4) Would it be better to use dogs or goats for traveling these distances on a fairly regular basis? (I will be raising meat and
milk goats already so I would have the housing and
feed available.)
Thank you for taking the time to help.