My cat NEVER does the traditional "meow" he just makes like a half purr half whine kind of noise, which is cute but anyways my question is,the other night when we got home from the vet(which he loves oddly enough) i was sitting on the couch in the living room and i herd a noise that i had never herd before. it sounded like a little kid or something, then i realized, it was my cat! meowing! so i run to where he is and hes in the front foyer by himself. happy as can be... it was soooo wierd. And i know its not like he needed to go outside because he's and indoor cat. So anyways i go about my night and everything is fine, then in the middle of the night i'm woken up by his frantic meowing again! But still nothing was wrong with him. he was happy! I just want to know why all of a sudden he's meowing? im not annoyed or anything i'm just wondering why he's randomly meowing at nothing...