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4 x 200 metres Freestyle Relay, Men

Date28 – 29 July 1952
LocationHelsingin Uimastadion, Helsinki
Participants74 from 17 countries

The United States were hot favourites for this event with only Japan considered to be a threat. The Japanese team applied a tactical approach to the final and put their fastest swimmer on the opening leg and held back their slowest man until the final leg. With the Americans choosing the more common approach of using their faster men over the last two legs, Japan took an early lead and then increased it over the second leg. Ford Konno closed the gap on leg three but it was not until the final leg that the American team, in the form of Jimmy McLane took the lead that they were to maintain to the finish. The battle for bronze mirrored the battle for gold with France overhauling Sweden in the latter stages.

1United StatesUSA8:50.9 (1 h2)8:31.1 (1)Gold
Wayne MooreBill WoolseyFord KonnoJimmy McLaneWally WolfDon SheffFrank DooleyBumpy JonesFrank Chamberlain (DNS)Gaither Rosser (DNS)
2JapanJPN8:42.1 (1 h3)8:33.5 (2)Silver
Hiroshi SuzukiYoshihiro HamaguchiToru GotoTeijiro TanikawaMitsuru Asano (DNS)Hiroshi Nishi (DNS)Mamoru Tanaka (DNS)
3FranceFRA8:55.9 (1 h1)8:45.9 (3)Bronze
Jo BernardoAldo EminenteAlex JanyJean BoiteuxRené Million (DNS)Michel Vandamme (DNS)
4SwedenSWE8:52.3 (2 h3)8:46.8 (4)
Lars SvantessonGöran LarssonPer-Olof ÖstrandOlle JohanssonRolf Olander
5HungaryHUN8:54.6 (2 h2)8:52.6 (5)
László GyöngyösiGyörgy CsordásGéza KádasImre NyékiGusztáv Kettesi
6Great BritainGBR8:59.7 (2 h1)8:52.9 (6)
Roy BothamRonnie BurnsDouglas WelshJack WardropPeter Head (DNS)Athole Still (DNS)
7South AfricaRSA8:58.7 (3 h2)8:55.1 (7)
Graham JohnstonDennis FordJohn DurrPeter Duncan
8ArgentinaARG8:59.3 (3 h3)8:56.9 (8)
Federico ZwanckMarcelo TrabuccoPedro GalvãoAlfredo YantornoCarlos Alberto Bonacich (DNS)
9AustraliaAUS9:01.4 (3 h1)
Rex AubreyFrank O'NeillGarrick AgnewJohn MarshallFrank Jordan (DNS)
10Soviet UnionURS9:01.9 (4 h1)
Viktor DrobinskyVasily KarmanovLeonid MeshkovLev BalandinEndel Edasi (DNS)Vladimir Skomarovsky (DNS)
11CanadaCAN9:10.9 (4 h3)
Gerry McNameeLucien BeaumontLeo PortelanceAllen GilchristPeter Salmon (DNS)
12PolandPOL9:13.7 (5 h3)
Gotfryd GremlowskiAntoni TołkaczewskiJózef LewickiJerzy BonieckiS. Cieźki (DNS)
13MexicoMEX9:15.7 (6 h3)
Alberto IsaacEfrén FierroCésar BorjaTonatiuh GutiérrezJuan Lans (DNS)René Muñiz (DNS)
14ItalyITA9:17.9 (5 h1)
Carlo PedersoliEgidio MassariaAngelo RomaniGianni PaliagaAlfonso Buonocore (DNS)Costantino Dennerlein (DNS)
15BrazilBRA9:19.0 (4 h2)
Haroldo LaraSylvio dos SantosAram BoghossianJoão Gonçalves FilhoTetsuo Okamoto (DNS)Ricardo Esberard (DNS)
16FinlandFIN9:26.6 (6 h1)
Pentti IkonenPentti PaatsaloMauno ValkeinenLeo TelivuoEinari Aalto (DNS)
17BelgiumBEL9:45.5 (5 h2)
Kamiel ReyndersJoseph AnthoonMarcel AnthoonAlfons BierebeekAndré Laurent (DNS)
DNSEgyptEGY– (DNS h1)
Dorri Abdel KaderJack HakimTaha El-GamalAbdel Aziz El-ShafeiSamir GharboYehia El-Bahnasawy
DNSSpainESP– (DNS h2)
Ricardo CondeEnrique GranadosRoberto QueraltJuan Luis AbellánJosep Bazán

Round One (28 July 1952 — 10:00)

Fastest eight advanced to the final.

Heat One

PosLaneSwimmerNOC50 m100 m150 mTimeExchange (Pos)
Jo Bernardo2:17.12:17.1 (4)
Aldo Eminente2:19.44:36.5 (4)
Alex Jany2:11.66:48.1 (3)
Jean Boiteux2:07.88:55.9 (1)
21Great BritainGBR8:59.7Q
Roy Botham2:20.82:20.8 (6)
Ronnie Burns2:14.24:35.0 (3)
Douglas Welsh2:15.26:50.2 (4)
Jack Wardrop2:09.58:59.7 (2)
Rex Aubrey2:15.62:15.6 (2)
Frank O'Neill2:14.14:29.7 (1)
Garrick Agnew2:18.06:47.7 (1)
John Marshall2:13.79:01.4 (3)
47Soviet UnionURS9:01.9
Viktor Drobinsky2:14.22:14.2 (1)
Vasily Karmanov2:18.34:32.5 (2)
Leonid Meshkov2:15.36:47.8 (2)
Lev Balandin2:14.19:01.9 (4)
Carlo Pedersoli2:17.52:17.5 (5)
Egidio Massaria2:21.34:38.8 (6)
Angelo Romani2:21.67:00.4 (5)
Gianni Paliaga2:17.59:17.9 (5)
Pentti Ikonen2:16.22:16.2 (3)
Pentti Paatsalo2:22.24:38.4 (5)
Mauno Valkeinen2:23.07:01.4 (6)
Leo Telivuo2:25.29:26.6 (6)
Dorri Abdel Kader (DNS)– (–)
Jack Hakim (DNS)– (–)
Taha El-Gamal (DNS)– (–)
Abdel Aziz El-Shafei (DNS)– (–)
Samir Gharbo (DNS)– (–)
Yehia El-Bahnasawy (DNS)– (–)

Heat Two

PosLaneSwimmerNOC50 m100 m150 mTimeExchange (Pos)
17United StatesUSA8:50.9Q
Wally Wolf2:11.42:11.4 (1)
Don Sheff2:12.94:24.3 (1)
Frank Dooley2:14.76:39.0 (1)
Bumpy Jones2:11.98:50.9 (1)
György Csordás2:13.22:13.2 (2)
László Gyöngyösi2:14.14:27.3 (2)
Gusztáv Kettesi2:15.06:42.3 (2)
Imre Nyéki2:12.38:54.6 (2)
34South AfricaRSA8:58.7Q
Graham Johnston2:15.32:15.3 (3)
Dennis Ford2:14.04:29.3 (3)
John Durr2:17.76:47.0 (3)
Peter Duncan2:11.78:58.7 (3)
Haroldo Lara2:15.62:15.6 (4)
Sylvio dos Santos2:19.04:34.6 (4)
Aram Boghossian2:26.67:01.2 (4)
João Gonçalves Filho2:17.89:19.0 (4)
Kamiel Reynders2:22.32:22.3 (5)
Joseph Anthoon2:25.54:47.8 (5)
Marcel Anthoon2:28.67:16.4 (5)
Alfons Bierebeek2:29.19:45.5 (5)
Ricardo Conde (DNS)– (–)
Enrique Granados (DNS)– (–)
Roberto Queralt (DNS)– (–)
Juan Luis Abellán (DNS)– (–)
Josep Bazán (DNS)– (–)

Heat Three

PosLaneSwimmerNOC50 m100 m150 mTimeExchange (Pos)
Yoshihiro Hamaguchi2:10.12:10.1 (1)
Hiroshi Suzuki2:08.54:18.6 (1)
Toru Goto2:14.06:32.6 (1)
Teijiro Tanikawa2:09.58:42.1 (1)
Rolf Olander2:17.72:17.7 (3)
Göran Larsson2:12.14:29.8 (2)
Olle Johansson2:13.56:43.3 (2)
Per-Olof Östrand2:09.08:52.3 (2)
Federico Zwanck2:18.02:18.0 (4)
Marcelo Trabucco2:14.04:32.0 (3)
Pedro Galvão2:12.96:44.9 (3)
Alfredo Yantorno2:14.48:59.3 (3)
Gerry McNamee2:16.62:16.6 (2)
Lucien Beaumont2:20.54:37.1 (4)
Leo Portelance2:17.96:55.0 (4)
Allen Gilchrist2:15.99:10.9 (4)
Gotfryd Gremlowski2:22.92:22.9 (6)
Antoni Tołkaczewski2:19.74:42.6 (6)
Józef Lewicki2:14.26:56.8 (5)
Jerzy Boniecki2:16.99:13.7 (5)
Alberto Isaac2:20.32:20.3 (5)
Efrén Fierro2:21.04:41.3 (5)
César Borja2:18.36:59.6 (6)
Tonatiuh Gutiérrez2:17.19:16.7 (6)

Final (29 July 1952 — 17:00)

PosLaneSwimmerNOC50 m100 m150 mTimeExchange (Pos)
1United StatesUSA8:31.1OR
Wayne Moore2:08.72:08.7 (2)
Bill Woolsey2:09.34:18.0 (2)
Ford Konno2:06.96:24.9 (2)
Jimmy McLane2:06.28:31.1 (1)
Hiroshi Suzuki2:07.02:07.0 (1)
Yoshihiro Hamaguchi2:08.14:15.1 (1)
Toru Goto2:09.16:24.2 (1)
Teijiro Tanikawa2:09.38:33.5 (2)
Jo Bernardo2:14.02:14.0 (3)
Aldo Eminente2:14.34:28.3 (4)
Alex Jany2:11.26:39.5 (4)
Jean Boiteux2:06.48:45.9 (3)
Lars Svantesson2:15.82:15.8 (=6)
Göran Larsson2:10.44:26.2 (3)
Per-Olof Östrand2:09.46:35.6 (3)
Olle Johansson2:11.28:46.8 (4)
László Gyöngyösi2:15.82:15.8 (=6)
György Csordás2:12.94:28.7 (5)
Géza Kádas2:12.36:41.0 (5)
Imre Nyéki2:11.68:52.6 (5)
6Great BritainGBR8:52.9
Roy Botham2:15.92:15.9 (8)
Ronnie Burns2:13.44:29.3 (7)
Douglas Welsh2:13.96:43.2 (7)
Jack Wardrop2:09.78:52.9 (6)
7South AfricaRSA8:55.1
Graham Johnston2:14.72:14.7 (5)
Dennis Ford2:14.74:29.4 (8)
John Durr2:15.66:45.0 (8)
Peter Duncan2:10.18:55.1 (7)
Federico Zwanck2:14.62:14.6 (4)
Marcelo Trabucco2:14.64:29.2 (6)
Pedro Galvão2:13.96:43.1 (6)
Alfredo Yantorno2:13.88:56.9 (8)